pageResize not working
pageResize not working
Link to test case:
As you can see, the table is not expanding to fit the container it is in. I am using the uikit framework to create a site header, and areas above and below the table with a set height then telling the main container to expand to the rest of the view. When I add the pageResize attribute it does not work. I believe I am doing everything the original blog post suggests and I can't get it work. Any help is most appreciated.
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you about this.
The issue is the
<div class="container">
element inside the element that is the one that is actually giving height to the container:<div uk-height-viewport="expand: true">
.The issue with that inner container, is that PageResize looks at that element for the available height, and since it doesn't have a restriction on height it just collapses all the way down.
Remove that inner
and it works as expected: .Allan