scrollResize plugin in dt 2.0.0
scrollResize plugin in dt 2.0.0

The plugin use the dataTables_scrollBody class but the class in 2.0.1 version is changed to dt-scroll-body.
Does the plugin needs an update?
The plugin use the dataTables_scrollBody class but the class in 2.0.1 version is changed to dt-scroll-body.
Does the plugin needs an update?
It has already been done. Use the 2.0.1 version.
Hi @allan,
uhm I found I'm using an old version of this plugin with this options
I can't find it on npmjs, do you think I'm missing something?
Forgot to say that using the current version of the mentioned plugin (the one in the master branch) it works
Ah - no it isn't currently on npm. Sorry. I need to do some work to make the plugins more accessible via npm.
it could be usefull to me.
let me know if you'll manage to do it, please
thank you @allan
it could be usefull to me.
let me know if you'll manage to do it, please
thank you @allan