Use button to toggle SearchPanes in same DataTable as button (but not other SearchPanes on page)

Use button to toggle SearchPanes in same DataTable as button (but not other SearchPanes on page)

syl_jeverettsyl_jeverett Posts: 7Questions: 3Answers: 0

I'm trying to place multiple DataTables on a page, where:
1) I initialize the DataTables by a generic, rather than specific selector (e.g., by '.display' class, not '#TableName' id.)
2) the searchPanes for the DataTable starts hidden.
3) A button allows the SearchPanes to be toggled shown/hidden
4) The button ONLY toggles the SearchPanes in the same DataTable/layout as the button

I'm able to accomplish the first 3 of these, but for 4, I can only seem to manage toggling ALL of the SearchPanes on the page.

I think I'm just missing the selector syntax/method for limiting the toggle action to just the particular SearchPanes I want to toggle.

Here's the test case of what I have so far:

I played around taking stabs at the selector, in function comments, without success.

        buttons: [
            text: 'Toggle SearchPane',
            action: function ( e, dt, node, config ) {
              // This works, but the selector gets all searchPanes on page,
              // not just the searchPane relative/closest to the button
              // Guessing at the synatx hasn't gotten it, e.g.:
              // $(this).parents('div.dt-container').children('div.dtsp-panesContainer').toggle()
              // $().dataTable().children('div.dtsp-panesContainer').toggle();
              // $(this).closest('div.dt-container').children('div.dtsp-panesContainer').toggle()

I'd appreciate any pointers.

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  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,166Questions: 26Answers: 4,921
    Answer ✓

    Maybe something like this:


    This finds the parent Datatables container then finds the associated dtsp-panesContainer. Updated example:


  • syl_jeverettsyl_jeverett Posts: 7Questions: 3Answers: 0

    Thanks so much!

    I figured the variables passed in the function (or a this) were references to the local object I needed, but just couldn't figure out how to get a workable JQuery object out of them.

    Likewise, I'm a JQuery noob (and from XPath/XSLT land) so I missed the nuance between find() and children() -- find() goes all levels down the DOM tree but children() just travels a single level down -- and between closest() and parents() -- I guess, here, both work, but closest is more efficient, since closest() just travels up the DOM tree until it finds a match for the supplied selector, while parents() goes up the DOM tree all the way to the document’s root element.

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