Inline Create Add Dynamic Data

Inline Create Add Dynamic Data

Pierre-LouisPierre-Louis Posts: 10Questions: 3Answers: 0


Is there a way to add dynamic data to a row that is being added via inline create ?
There is the def parameter for the default value but i can't figure out how to add data dynamically on inline create

 articlePrixRefsTable = $('#articlePrixRefsTable').DataTable({    
          columns: [
                  data: 'Annee',
                  name: 'Annee'
                  data: 'PrixReference',
                  name: 'PrixReference',
                  render: function (data, type, row) {
                      if (type == "display")
                          return `<div>${parseFloat(data).toFixed(2)}</<div>`;
                      return data;
                  data: 'TempsGameRetenuCalc',
                  name: 'TempsGameRetenuCalc',
                  render: function (data, type, row) {
                      if (type == "display")
                          return `<div>${parseFloat(data).toFixed(2)}</<div>`;
                      return data;
                  data: 'CoefTemps',
                  name: 'CoefTemps'
                  data: 'TempsGammeStdCalc',
                  name: 'TempsGammeStdCalc'
                  data: 'PctRebut',
                  name: 'PctRebut'
                  data: 'IsAchete',
                  name: 'IsAchete',
                  render: (data, type, row) => 
                      type === "display" ?
                          '<input type="checkbox" disabled class="editor-active">' : data,
                      className: 'dt-body-center'
                  data: 'CodeSourceListe2',
                  name: 'CodeSourceListe2',
                  render: (data, type, row) => {
                      if (type === "display") return listCodeSource.find(o => o.value == data)?.label
                      return data;
                  data: 'DateCreation',
                  name: 'DateCreation',
                  render: function (data, type, row) {
                      if (type === "display")
                          return new Date(data).toLocaleDateString() ?? data;
                      return data;
                  data: 'IdArticlePrixRef',
                  name: 'IdArticlePrixRef',
                  visible: false

  articlePrixRefsTableEditor = new DataTable.Editor({
      table: $('#articlePrixRefsTable'),
      idSrc: 'IdArticlePrixRef',
      fields: [
              name: 'Annee',
              def: new Date().getFullYear(),
              type: 'readonly'
              name: 'PrixReference',
              def: 0.00,
              type: 'readonly'
              name: 'IsAchete',
              type: 'readonly',
              name: 'CodeSourceListe2',
              type: 'select',
              options: listCodeSource
              name: 'DateCreation',
              type: 'readonly',
              def: new Date().toLocaleString()
              name: 'CoefTemps',
              def: ''

  articlePrixRefsTable.on('click', 'tbody td:first-child,td:nth-child(2),td:nth-child(8)', function (e) {

  articlePrixRefsTableEditor.on('submitSuccess', () => {

  $('#btnAddRowPrixRefsTable').on('click', function () {

// I guess somewhere around here i want to make an ajax call to retrieve some data to add dynamically to the row

          onBlur: 'submit'


  • allanallan Posts: 64,142Questions: 1Answers: 10,584 Site admin

    If you want the data to be based on the result from an Ajax call, I would add an Ajax call immediately after your inlineCreate() call, and then use field().val() to set the value of the field with the result from your Ajax call.


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