Custom Sort - Null/Empty values at the bottom of Table for ASC or DESC
Custom Sort - Null/Empty values at the bottom of Table for ASC or DESC
Hello ,
I am trying to provide custom sort on column age and salary where there are some null/Empty values . I would like to put it always at the bottom of the data table as those are the null values. I tried using Osort custom sort by providing Type but not seeing my function is working. I have provided JSfillde link for your reference. this is dummy data so values can be integer or String.
Link to Case (JsFiddle) : ****:
Error messages shown: There isnt any message , when i put the Osort on console i see custom Type but any how sorting isnt done correctly.
thank you
Hello ,
I am able to find solution when there is empty values how to always push them to bottom of table. now I would like to do sorting for numeric values first , then String and then empty values.. First numeric values will be sorted asc or desc in column , then String will be sortin asc or desc and then empty values.
I have created data for Age column in jsFiddle.
This blog post might be of interest to ensure that specific data is always at the start (or end) of the table.