Use same number format in DT *and editor
Use same number format in DT *and editor

I have a custom renderer for a numeric column:
render: DataTable.render.number('.', ',', 3),
Is it possible to apply the same format in a transparent way to the editor?
A rendered value like "1.200,1234" is rendered in the editor as "1200.1234" (which confuses the users).
It's the same issues when you look at the example for Salary.
What is the best approach here from transferring float values from the backend to the frontend, rendering and editing properly in a custom format and sending them back as float upon save?
You could use formatters for that -
. There's an example on the reference page for dates, but you could do something similar for the number locale.Colin
You might also want to consider using a plug-in such as this one to format the data in the
. I wrote a plug-in for that to work with Editor a while back - you can get it here.The advantage of using a masking plugin like that is that it makes it harder for the user to screw up inputs such as
which might prove difficult to validate.Allan