Unnecessary setting by scroller plugin on initial draw
Unnecessary setting by scroller plugin on initial draw

We have a quite complex usecase including:
- fixed columns
- fixed header/footer
- multi-row header
- scroller (no pagination buttons)
- server side processing
- custom column width control (affecting <col> elements and column definition's 'width' property)
- a lot of special styling per cell
With the latest versions (2.0.8, etc.; maybe even before) we noticed that...
a) The scroller plugin does set the <col> element's width to the minimum width of a column initially and on subsequent page requests. This does not happen without it, leaving <col> elements without width when scroller is not used.
b) Later the _fnColumnSizes is called overriding values with values from column configurations, where defined, only.
c) After that the scroller overrides it again with the code from a).
It looks like action a) is unnecessary and action, no? Could you avoid this action?
We tell you about it, because our table can easily show 10k cells, even with pagination set, due to a high amount of columns shown. There, every change on the table causes a layouting, adding another 500ms or more rendering time. While rendering the browser is frozen, which is a problem. We need to keep these update as small as possible.