Server Side Searchpanes with Sql View

Server Side Searchpanes with Sql View

sarooptrivedisarooptrivedi Posts: 59Questions: 18Answers: 2
edited June 20 in Free community support

Server Side SearchPanes trying to look for table in table query rather than view field. It is throwing the error on view field which is not available inside the table. In below code I made the Year base on the EntryDate of table. on the fly in View query. but I got the error that unknown column Year, when I am trying to filter the value from the searchpanes. Is the Searchpanes support the SQL View at server side?

         var response = new Editor(db, "TblUser", pkey)
                .Field(new Field("Id"))        
                .Field(new Field("UserName"))
                .Field(new Field("FullName"))     
                .Field(new Field("EntryDate").Validator(Validation.DateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd")).SetFormatter(Format.NullEmpty()).GetFormatter(Format.DateSqlToFormat("yyyy-MM-dd")).SetFormatter(Format.DateFormatToSql("yyyy-MM-dd")))
                .Field(new Field("Year").SearchPaneOptions(new SearchPaneOptions()))        


  • sarooptrivedisarooptrivedi Posts: 59Questions: 18Answers: 2

    SELECT * FROM [TblUser] WHERE [Year] = @where_0

    Above query generated in debug while apply the Search Panes filter. expectation with SQL View

    SELECT * FROM [V_User] WHERE [Year] = @where_0

  • allanallan Posts: 62,858Questions: 1Answers: 10,344 Site admin

    You need to use the methods of the SearchPaneOptions class to tell it explicitly what table / view, field name and value you want to use as the data source. Have a look at the second example on that page to see how the code for that would look.


  • sarooptrivedisarooptrivedi Posts: 59Questions: 18Answers: 2
    edited June 24

    Hey @allan ,

    I changed the column as per your suggestion. But still in debug I get the same error that unknow column Year because in the debug it is shows the actual table name rather than the view.

    .Field(new Field("Year").SearchPaneOptions(new SearchPaneOptions().Table(TblNames.V_User).Value("Year").Label("Year")))

    The debug result

    SELECT * FROM [TblUser] WHERE [Year] = @where_0

    Above query generated in debug while apply the Search Panes filter.
    expectation with SQL View

    SELECT * FROM [V_User] WHERE [Year] = @where_0

    The Year column is in the view but not in the table. I am making Year column inside the view by SQL Function.

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