From v1.13.4 to v2.0.8 - Previous and Next Buttons Missing
From v1.13.4 to v2.0.8 - Previous and Next Buttons Missing

I am upgrading from v1.13.4 to v2.0.8 - and have made the changes for the layout changes, and have taken the Database Tables default stying. Where there were "Previous" and "Next" Hrefs - they are replaced with very small "<<", "<", ">",">>".
How can l get the v1.13.% styling for the pagination? Or replace "<<" and ">>" with "Previous" and "Next"?
See if
do what you want.Kevin
Yup, that's how to do it. Annoyingly it appears I missed that from the upgrade notes - sorry about that. I'll correct that.
When you say they are very small - you mean like this:
Or even smaller?
Hi KThornGren,
Thanks - l will give those options a go.
Hi Alan,
Yes - that is the size that l see. The icons are very small - plus ligh-grey, so you have to really look for them to see them.
I prefer what is currently there in v1.% - it has been that way for quite some time, and have got used to it. I would like to stick with the DatabaseTables CSS rather than have to move to Bootstrap/ Bulma.
Understood and thanks for the feedback! The properties Kevin indicated will do what you are looking for.