How to clear contents of selected cell when "Backspace" or "delete" is pressed.

How to clear contents of selected cell when "Backspace" or "delete" is pressed.

Hence|...Hence|... Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0
edited July 12 in KeyTable

Description of problem: I have a working spreadsheet like editor instance utilising Keytables extension and inline editor. However, currently when you use the arrow keys or single click on a cell to select it and then press the "backspace" or "delete" key on the keyboard nothing happens. I would ideally like the cell contents to be cleared or set to "" and the submit be triggered as a result of this. Which would be similar to what Google Sheets or Excel does with this behaviour.

Currently the only way to clear the cell is to double click the cell and backspace all the contents or to select the cell, type a single character, press backspace and then press return to submit the change.

Sorry I don't have a test cases available, the project is behind auth.

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