Bug when changing pageLength from 0 to something else
Bug when changing pageLength from 0 to something else

Hello, I've recently been playing a bit with datatables, and I've noticed that when you set pageLength to 0 and then change it to another it just stops showing rows.
Here's my configuration :
lengthChange: true,
lengthMenu: [0, 10, 20, 50, 100],
pageLength: 10
ps. If you set default pageLength to 0 and then change it to smth else it works
I built a test case for you:
It behaves as you say. @allan will need to take a look.
I never expected the page length to be set to 0, and thus have never tested it. What's the use case? I might add a note to the reference documentation stating that it should never be less than 1.
Thanks for answering, I wanted to have a table that only shows rows when applying filters from filterPanes
You could just hide the table, rather than changing the page length? Set its container to be
display: none