Since 2.1.3 the searchpane has no longer full width when collapsed
Since 2.1.3 the searchpane has no longer full width when collapsed

Link to test case:
Sadly doesn't work, using searchpane on the test page returns Script 0 error
Debugger code (
Not relevant
Error messages shown:
No Error message only annoying layout
Description of problem:
In 2.0 the searchpanes uses 100% (the same with as the table) for the search pane also in collapsed state. Since 2.1.3 the searchpanes in collapsed state has a fixed? width and if you open one of the search panes it resizes to 100% which is not so nice.
I'm going to release an updated version of SearchPanes (and SearchBuilder) in the next few days to address this issue. It is because the centre position of the layout will collapse by default now.
I'd like to confirm your use case though - can you send me a screenshot and the init code for your DataTable?
Sure, the bookingOptions is an empty object so not relevant
Thank you. I think I might actually need a link to a test case for this one please.
I've just tried to recreate the issue but unsuccessfully: .
I can't replicate the issue on the test site, but it's also only center and doesn't has 100% width.
While comparing the html structure I found out that it differs and I forgot zu mention that I use boostrap5 template.