Default ordering not applying to secondary sorting
Default ordering not applying to secondary sorting

Just upgraded to the latest release, thanks for that
Should default column ordering apply to secondary sorting too or is there a different default for that (or have I found a useful but missing feature)?
DataTable.defaults.column.orderSequence = ['asc', 'desc'];
I've set the above which works when clicking on column headings (gives 2 options, asc and desc) but shift click on another column still has 3 options (presumably asc, desc and "" (default)).
Example (from URL above) :
Hi Ben,
Good point - the answer is that when multi-column sorting the third click actually removes the column from the sorting (otherwise there is no way to remove the column from the sort sequence, without just starting over again). So it appears as the same effect, but it actually a different mechnaisim and that is intentional. I'm afraid there is no way to override that without modifying the code. This is where that behaviour is defined.