PDF Headers not displaying properly

PDF Headers not displaying properly

visionala9visionala9 Posts: 10Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited January 2012 in TableTools
I have written


in my table header for sorting functionality. But this gives me unusal header in pdf (CSV output works fine).
If I write simple th i.e Name then output is normal.
Does anyone has any idea what's happening or any solution for this problem?



  • visionala9visionala9 Posts: 10Questions: 0Answers: 0
    I figured out the solution.
    If I write code in this format without any spaces between the tags and in a single line then header displays correctly and in a nice format.
    (all code must be in a single line)

    I had been seeking answer to this problem since 3 months.
    It's annoying solution but worked.
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