Reduce the width of the control column for narrow column tables
Reduce the width of the control column for narrow column tables

Does anyone know how to reduce the width of the control column?
If the empty blue part was gone the green would be almost half size.
I tried a few css tricks with width and margin, but no luck yet.
Actually, I probably need to upgrade everything. It's been a while, and I see all your demos now have a triangle instead of the green + / red -
Someday soon I should get to that.
If you could link to the page I might be able to say what is happening - it looks like you might have a
in the content? Can you remove that (if there is one there) and it will then collapse down like in the examples.Allan
I think the old (+) style just has extra width.
I initialize all tables with code like this (no extra - character):
You can use width in columns:
var table = $('#yourtable').DataTable( {. . . "select": { style: 'os', selector: 'td:not(:first-child)'}, "columns": [ { className: 'details-control', orderable: false, data: null, defaultContent: '', width: '5%' }, //... "columnDefs": [ {"targets": 0,"className": "text-center", "searchable": false,"width": "1%" },