The New Layout Feature - THANK YOU!
The New Layout Feature - THANK YOU!

That's all. Just a big thank you for this feature. In the past I had to do a bunch of jquery fuggery to move things into place. The new Layout feature is sooooo nice. Took me a few minutes to figure out how to get things in a line, but I got it!
And for those scratching your head, here is a quick note on the subject:
top: Will spread your options across the top of the table, using the pageLength:, info: and search:
(the old style of the table, atleast from my options) it looks weird.
topStart: Will put your options nicely together.
topEnd: Will put everthing to the right side (pretty much opposite of topStart).
div: Now this is where the fun really is. Using this, give it an id and append you extra buttons to it. Sooo nice.
The piece that got me for a few minutes was how to include the menu options with info and search. The examples are good, but this one might help the lost:
I put this at the begining outside the DataTable initialize as per the example:
DataTable.defaults.layout =
topStart: null,
topEnd: null,
bottomStart: null,
bottomEnd: null
layout: {
menu: [[10, 25, 50, 500, 1000, -1], [10, 25, 50, 500, 1000, "All"]],
The only thing I am not sure is if you can set the default selection in here.
I did not see it in the pageLength documents, but the pageLength option still worked.
info: {},
search : {},
id: 'buttonBox,
bottom: ['info', 'paging'],
And one last thing to remember, the top and bottom, when you place numbers after them, will count down, ie, top3 is 1st, top2 is next, etc..:
top3: Will be first
top2: Next
top1: Next
top: Bottom
top2Start: Can use the number between as well.
But anyway. Thanks for this lovely feature!!
Thank you! I've just made my morning. What a great way to start the day!