Hello, im looking for someone that use laravel inertia vuejs3 and datatable.net to ask him?
Hello, im looking for someone that use laravel inertia vuejs3 and datatable.net to ask him?

my question is i need to implement datatable.net to component for use it but i already try it muti times and show me like bugs like:
i have index of users for example has like users and props users come from inertia render
and i have model for create and update and when i update and in datatable show new value but when i search not show but when i search with old name it show but show with new name it like datatable cache old name and show new value HAHAHA
case 2 is when i have one row in datatable and i deleted it show error of nextsiblings on null and row stuck unil i reload page
so please with tips