a minor issue/bug in dataTables 2.2.0/2.2.1 maybe?
a minor issue/bug in dataTables 2.2.0/2.2.1 maybe?

** Code Snippet **:
ct = $('#tbl-ct').dataTable({
rowCallback : function dtRowNumber(nRow, aData, iDisplayIndex, iDisplayIndexFull) {
$("td:eq(0)", nRow).html(iDisplayIndexFull + 1);
searching : false,
data : [** data goes here **],
lengthChange : false,
paging : false,
info : false,
order : [ [ 1, "desc" ], [ 2, "asc" ], [ 4, "asc" ] ],
columnDefs : [
{ targets : [ 0 ], className : "no-export" },
{ targets : [ 1 ], className : "centered" },
{ targets : [ 2, 3, 4 ] },
{ targets : [ 5, 6 ], className : "percent", createdCell : dtCreatedCellPercentComplete, type : "num-fmt" },
{ targets : [ 0 ], sortable : false }
Error messages shown:
Uncaught ResizeObserver loop completed with undelivered notifications.
Description of problem:
this is one of the tables in our application that has been untouched in over a year (since moving to dataTables 2.0.0). the last stable version where we saw no issue wrt this table was with dataTables 2.1.8. Something might have changed in the subsequent releases that might be causing this issue? Just to be clear, it is not a show-stopper or anything of that sort. However, we do see/notice slow expansion/resizing of the table upon page load which is something we didn't see in the past. Just FYI, the debug console showed us this error.