New User Question
New User Question

I am very new to DataTables so forgive me if the answer to my question is obvious.
I have been using the trial for a few weeks and very impressed with the generator and managed to create some PHP pages very easily. However I purchased datatables yesterday and logged in and then created a table with generator as show in the image below
I then ran the table and got the following with just the titles
I looked at the console and got the following
Any help would be most appreciated
Looks like you removed jQuery 1 from the default Software list. The error indicates that you either aren't including jquery.js on your page or it is being loaded after datatables.js. Make sure jquery.js is loaded first.
Just for terminology sake you purchased a license for the Editor extension not Datatables. Datatables handles all the table functions and does not require a license to be purchased. Editor is a library that does require a license. Sometimes these are confused
Hi Kevin
Many thanks for such a quick response
I cleared my cache and now working OK