Upload with serverSide = true

Upload with serverSide = true

marianidiegomarianidiego Posts: 62Questions: 19Answers: 1
edited 10:18AM in DataTables 2

Page Code:

                            fileEditor = new $.fn.dataTable.Editor( {
                                ajax: {
                                                url: "dist/cont/tpl_lista_prodotti/prodotti_file.php",
                                                type: 'POST',
                                                data: function ( d ) {
                                                    d.csrf_token = "<?=$csrf1?>";
                                                    d.products_id = rowData.products.products_id;
                                "table": "#file",
                                fields: [
                                        label: "ID:",
                                        name: "products_id",
                                        type:  "readonly",
                                        def: rowData.products.products_id
                                        label: "Ordine Visione:",
                                        name: "order",
                                        type: "text",
                                        def: "50"
                                        label: "Descrizione:",
                                        name: "description",
                                        "type": "select",
                                        "def": "Info",
                                        "options": [
                                        label: "Lingua:",
                                        name: "lang",
                                        type: "select"
                                        label: "Pubblicare?",
                                        name: "publish",
                                        type: "checkbox",
                                        separator: "|",
                                        options:   [
                                            { label: '', value: 1 }
                                        def: 1
                                    {   label: 'File',
                                        name: 'file',
                                        type: "upload",
                                        display: function ( file_id ) {
                                            var filename = fileEditor.file( 'products_file_data', file_id ).file;
                                            var extention = filename.split('.').pop().toLowerCase();
                                            if("pdf" == extention)
                                                    return '<img src="dist/img/pdf.png"/> ' + filename;
                                            if("zip" == extention)
                                                    return '<img src="dist/img/zip.png"/> ' + filename;
                                            return '<img src="dist/img/doc.png"/> ' + filename;
                                        clearText: "Clear",
                                        noImageText: 'No image'
                            fileTable = $('#file').DataTable({
                            "language": {   "url": "<?=$ADMIN['lng']->t('DATATABLES', 'i18n');?>" },
                            "dom":              'Bfrtlip',
                            stateSave:      false,
                            serverSide:     true,
                            select: {
                                            info: false
                            ajax: {
                                        url: "dist/cont/tpl_lista_prodotti/prodotti_file.php",
                                        type: 'POST',
                                        data: function ( d ) {
                                            d.csrf_token = "<?=$csrf1?>";
                                            d.products_id = rowData.products.products_id;
                            columns: [
                                title: '', data: 'file',
                                className: "dt-body-center",
                                width: '5px',
                                /*render: function ( file_id ) {
                                    return file_id ? "<a href='"+
                                        window.location.origin + fileEditor.file( 'products_image_data', file_id ).web_path + "'>"+  fileEditor.file( 'products_image_data', file_id ).file + " [" +formatSizeUnits(fileEditor.file( 'products_image_data', file_id ).filesize)+ "]" + "</a>":
                                render: function ( file_id) {
                                    //stringa += '<a href="'+window.location.origin+fileEditor.file( 'products_image_data', file_id ).web_path+'" target="_blank">';
                                        var extention = fileEditor.file( 'products_file_data', file_id ).file.split('.').pop().toLowerCase();
                                        if("pdf" == extention){
                                            return '<i class="fas fa-file-pdf"></i>';
                                        else if("doc" == extention){
                                            return '<i class="fas fa-file-word"></i>';
                                        else if("docx" == extention){
                                            return '<i class="fas fa-file-word"></i>';
                                        else if("zip" == extention){
                                            return '<i class="fas fa-file-archive"></i>';
                                        } else {
                                            return '<i class="fas fa-file-image"></i>';
                                    } else
                                    return null;
                                    //return stringa;
                                defaultContent: "No image"
                                title: 'File Name',
                                data: 'file',
                                render: function ( file_id ) {
                                    return '<a target="_blank" href="dist/dl.php?t=products/file&f='+fileEditor.file( 'products_file_data', file_id ).web_path.split('/').pop() + '&c=' + "<?=$dl?>" + '">' + fileEditor.file( 'products_file_data', file_id ).file + '</a>';
                                title: 'Descrizione',
                                data: 'description'
                                title: 'Lingua',
                                data: 'lang',
                                width: '4em'
                                    title: "Pubblicare?",
                                    data: "publish",
                                    render: simple_spunta,
                                    className: "dt-body-center",
                                    width: '3em'
                                title: 'Ordine',
                                data: 'order',
                                width: '4em'},
                                    data:                   null,
                                    defaultContent:         '<i class="fa fa-pencil text-info"/>',
                                    className:              'row-edit dt-center',
                                    orderable:              false,
                                    width:                  '10px',
                                    responsivePriority:     1,
                                    <?=$ADMIN['login']->hasPermission('ModifyData')?"":"visible:                false"?>
                                    data:                   null,
                                    defaultContent:         '<i class="fa fa-trash text-danger"/>',
                                    className:              'row-remove dt-center',
                                    orderable:              false,
                                    width:                  '10px',
                                    responsivePriority:     1,
                                    <?=$ADMIN['login']->hasPermission('delete')?"":"visible:                false"?>
                            columnDefs: [
                            { targets: 0, responsivePriority: 1, orderable: false},
                            "searching":        false,
                            "paging":           false,
                            "order": [[ 1, "asc" ]],
                            buttons: [
                                { extend: 'create', editor: fileEditor },
                                { extend: 'edit',   editor: fileEditor },
                                { extend: 'remove', editor: fileEditor }
                                /*,'print', 'copy', 'excel', 'pdf', 'csv', 'colvis'*/

Server Code PHP:

            Editor::inst( $ADMIN['db'], 'products_file', 'products_file_id' )
                        Field::inst( 'products_file_id' ),
                            Field::inst( 'lang' )
                            ->options( Options::inst()
                                    ->table( 'lang' )
                                    ->value( 'code' )
                                    ->label( 'name' )
                                    ->where( function ($q){
                                        $q->where('lang.enable', 1, '=', true);
                                    ->order( 'lang.code' )
                        Field::inst( 'publish' ),
                        Field::inst( 'file' )               
                            ->setFormatter( Format::ifEmpty( null ) )
                                Upload::inst( $_SESSION['config']['main_folder'] . 'data/products/file/__ID__.__EXTN__' )
                                    ->db( 'products_file_data', 'products_file_data_id', array(
                                    'file'        => Upload::DB_FILE_NAME,
                                    'filesize'    => Upload::DB_FILE_SIZE,
                                    'web_path'    => Upload::DB_WEB_PATH,
                                    'system_path' => Upload::DB_SYSTEM_PATH
                                /*  ->dbClean( function ($data) {
                                        // Remove the files from the file system
                                        try {
                                            for ( $i=0, $ien=count($data) ; $i<$ien ; $i++ ) {
                                                    unlink( $data[$i]['system_path'] );
                                        } catch (Exception $e) {}
                                        // Have Editor remove the rows from the database
                                        return true;
                                */  ->validator( Validate::fileSize( 20000000, 'Files must be smaller that 5Mb' ) )
                                    ->validator( Validate::fileExtensions( array( 'pdf', 'zip', 'doc', 'docx' ), "Please upload a document" ) )
                        Field::inst( 'products_id' ),
                        Field::inst( 'order' )
                                ->validator( Validate::notEmpty() )
                                ->validator( Validate::numeric() ),
                        Field::inst( 'description' )
                    ->where( 'products_file.products_id', $_POST['products_id'], '=' )
                    ->where( 'products_file.enable', 1)
                    ->process( $_POST )
                    ->write( $ADMIN['login']->hasPermission('ModifyData') )

Description of problem:

If datables id configure with "serverSide: true", deleting a file takes a lot of time, and sometimes it is not completed.

Other, if "serverSide: false" the software works correctly, but the table is not update when the file deletion is completed.

I would like that when I delete a file or insert it, the table is updated at the end of execution. Unfortunately, enabling ServerSide creates this problem for me.


  • allanallan Posts: 64,059Questions: 1Answers: 10,559 Site admin

    I guess the first thing to do is to confirm if you want server-side processing enabled or not. How many records do you have in the table?

    The table should certainly update either way. Can you show me the JSON response when you are running into the problem?


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