creating test cases on - missing libraries from drop down.
creating test cases on - missing libraries from drop down.

I was trying to make a simple test case with the buttons. I copied the example from,, but the buttons don't show.
I then realized that I needed to add libraries, so started using the add library drop down.
that's when I found that several of the libraries are missing from the list.
it would be easier to create sample test cases if all the libraries in the examples were available.
maybe add them all and let folks delete the ones they don't need?
have an add all button?
if you want I can provide the ones I couldn't find.
This question has an accepted answers - jump to answer
The easiest thing to do is to use the Download Builder. Make sure to remove the default datatables.css and .js so there are now conflicts.
how do you use the Download builder on
Go to the Download Builder and select the appropriate options. Scroll to the bottom and copy the generated CDN links.
Go to highlight the datatables.css and datatables.js CDN links in the HTML tab and paste the copied CDN links. If you included jquery.js in the generated CDN then remove it from the HTML tab.
This is how I normally create test cases requiring extensions. Sometimes I use the Add Library option when needed only one extension. Note if you do this you will need to move the added libraries below datatables.js.
I understand this, but do think it would be more streamlined if "add library" did list all the libraries, and maybe a couple of choices that would add the common ones
Thanks for the feedback! I've added it to my list