ColReorder doesn't like columns with no caption
ColReorder doesn't like columns with no caption

If you have a column without a caption, the DIV inside the TH shrinks to nothing so you end up clicking the TH instead of the DIV. The following line in _fnMouseDown
var nThTarget = == "TH" ? : $('TH')[0];
will normally find the appropriate TH fine because jQuery's parents() function is case insensitive, whereas the comparison between nodeName and "TH" is case sensitive. And this becomes a problem when the DIV shrinks to nothing because of no caption and you click on the TH directly.
The solution is simple: force the case to either uppercase or lowercase. I used lowercase because it's more consistent and I don't like my TH's shouting at me! :)
Modified code:
var nThTarget = == "th" ? : $('th')[0];
var nThTarget = == "TH" ? : $('TH')[0];
will normally find the appropriate TH fine because jQuery's parents() function is case insensitive, whereas the comparison between nodeName and "TH" is case sensitive. And this becomes a problem when the DIV shrinks to nothing because of no caption and you click on the TH directly.
The solution is simple: force the case to either uppercase or lowercase. I used lowercase because it's more consistent and I don't like my TH's shouting at me! :)
Modified code:
var nThTarget = == "th" ? : $('th')[0];
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