Is it possible to populate table by passing JSON array to datatables
Is it possible to populate table by passing JSON array to datatables
Posts: 35Questions: 8Answers: 0
Is it possible to populate datatable by passing JSON array as parameter, for example i have a JSON ajax call which returns me a JSON array data, i would like to populate datatable with this JSON array, i know i can do AJAX call from datatable itself, but i would like to explore this option of getting data first and then building table using this data
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"aaData": jsondata
Didn't work for me. something else I'm missing?
any ideas?
function testloadsubstations() {
var serviceUrl = "http://<%=Request.Url.Authority%>" + "/Services/ForecastService.asmx/GetAllFacilities";
$.get(serviceUrl, function (data) {
}, "json");
function testloadsubstations() {
var serviceUrl = "http://<%=Request.Url.Authority%>" + "/Services/ForecastManagement.asmx/GetAllFacilities";
$.get(serviceUrl, function (data) {
}, "json");
function loadForecastDetailsGrid(forecastDetails) {
if (forecastDetails != null) {
//alert("Forecast details loaded data!");
var oTable = $('#tblForecastDetails').dataTable(
//"sAjaxSource": forecastDetails,
"aaData": forecastDetails,
//"fnServerData": forecastDetails,
"aoColumns": [
{ "sTitle": "col1", width: "2000px" },
{ "sTitle": "col2" },
{ "sTitle": "col3" },
{ "sTitle": "col4" },
{ "sTitle": "col5", "sClass": "center" }
"iDisplayLength": 5,
"aLengthMenu": [[5], [5]],
"bJQueryUI": true,
// "sPaginationType": "full_numbers",
// "sDom": 'T<"clear">lfrtip',
"oLanguage": {
"sSearch": "Search table:"
// ,
// "zTop": -1
// new FixedHeader(oTable);
If I substitute a hardcoded array of data in the "aaData" field, it works perfectly. and, when I trace the jquery code in Visual Studio, forecastDetails is not null, and is a valid array of data of 450 records, and the table displays "1 to 5 of 450 records" but displays "null" in each field. so the data is there, but dattable() doesn't like the format.
[ Object { Id="1", SN="AAL", Name="A.A. LSub", value="AAL - A.A. LSub"},
Object { Id="2", SN="BBJ", Name="B.B. JSub", value="BBJ - B.B. JSub"},
(450 records)
But, theres some header info that I can't see in firebug, such as number of records (450), etc. Any idea how I can guarantee that I give datatable() correct data?
Any issues with this?
asd sdfsdf
New Value
oTable = $('#tblHistory').dataTable();
var lstHistory = data.d;
$.each(lstHistory, function (index, current) {
// $('#tblHistory').dataTable().fnAddData([giCount + ".1", giCount + ".2", giCount + ".3", giCount + ".4"]); giCount++; }
var newNode = $("");
var changeddate = new Date(parseInt(current.ChangedDateTime.substr(6)));
}); //end each
([ ["abc"], [1], ["tom"]
["def"], [2], ["joe"]
But, why doesn't that exist anywhere in the documentation? there should be an easy way to do this, but you have to do it yourself. No realworld usable examples anywhere on this site.
I just get a blank table when I get the JSON back. So, I am thinking that my JSON must not be correct or the way I am calling the $().dataTable() function with my data.
My json looks like this:
[[2011080910263048663 , 6318518 , FVB another component title 2, NEW , DEFAULT , /ExtViewer/OMSItem/displayTableExpansion/2011080910263048663+++++], [2011080910313148732 , 6318519 , FVB new fce title, NEW , DEFAULT , /ExtViewer/OMSItem/displayTableExpansion/2011080910313148732+++++], [2011080910213148644 , 6318516 , FVB new package title, NEW , DEFAULT , /ExtViewer/OMSItem/displayTableExpansion/2011080910213148644+++++], [2011080910213148653 , 6318517 , FVB new component title 1, NEW , DEFAULT , /ExtViewer/OMSItem/displayTableExpansion/2011080910213148653+++++], [2011080910413148757 , 6318520 , FVB another fce title, USED , DEFAULT , /ExtViewer/OMSItem/displayTableExpansion/2011080910413148757+++++], [2011080910513148825 , 6318521 , FVB sets are being created, NEW , DEFAULT , /ExtViewer/OMSItem/displayTableExpansion/2011080910513148825+++++], [2011080910513148834 , 6318522 , FVB new related title, NEW , DEFAULT , /ExtViewer/OMSItem/displayTableExpansion/2011080910513148834+++++], [2011080910563148843 , 6318523 , FVB this title is related, NEW , DEFAULT , /ExtViewer/OMSItem/displayTableExpansion/2011080910563148843+++++], [2011080911013148888 , 6205 , Mathematical Economics (edit), NEW , DEFAULT , /ExtViewer/OMSItem/displayTableExpansion/2011080911013148888+++++], [2011080912113249183 , 6318524 , Fee for Order Router, NEW , DEFAULT , /ExtViewer/OMSItem/displayTableExpansion/2011080912113249183+++++]]
edit: I just noticed I am getting an error as well. Which might have something to do with it ;)
The id of my table is id="tableid" But, when for some reason I am getting an error stating that tableid is not defined?
<%@ page import="com.fheg.orderrouter.OMSItem" %>
var baseUrl = "${createLink(controller: 'OMSItem', action: 'displayItemsTable')}"
function makeAjaxCall(){
var jsonData = ""
url: baseUrl,
contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8",
// data: "q=" +
success: function(data){
// var d = jQuery.parseJSON(data);
// alert(data[1].totalRecords);
// alert(data.results[1].description);
error: function(data){
$(document).ready(function() {
// $('table_id').dataTable();
} );
function loadDataTable(data){
var oTable = ${'tableid'}.dataTable({
"aaData": data,
"aoColumns": [
{ "sTitle": "ItemId" },
{ "sTitle": "Item" },
{ "sTitle": "Description" },
{ "sTitle": "Class" },
{ "sTitle": "Org. Code" },
{ "sTitle": "URL" }
Thanks for the help!
If you scroll down the page when the table is loaded, you'll see the JSON response from the server, formatted and highlighted to make it readable.
Also, it doesn't need to be an array of arrays, you can use an array of objects if you wish (again there are example) and this blog post details how to do it: .
Finally, this introduction to the data sources options ( ) details some of the requirements, and points to where further information can be found.
@carl - DataTables is expecting a JSON object with a property called aaData by default. However if you want to just return an array of arrays, you can set sAjaxDataProp to be an empty string.
Using one of the examples I just copied the entire page into my gsp page and it still didn't work right.
What I found was that for some reason it didn't like me calling datatable.js and/or jquery js with the tags.
Once I changed it to using regular tags to point to the js source it worked!
edit: my mistake :( It wasn't the script tags. I didn't set up the where my table would be built.