How custom input fields or select controls put data into fnServerParams and update a DataTable?

How custom input fields or select controls put data into fnServerParams and update a DataTable?

MPeter1975MPeter1975 Posts: 31Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited February 2012 in DataTables 1.9

As I play more and more with DataTables I love it more and more. Congratulations on the project.

I am building a table-based web application integrated into Joomla! (I use it as a framework) but the question is not specific to it. I use server-side to do all the hard stuffs.

I would like to have two custom input boxes or controls to choose some custom data (in my case two numbers). Sending to the server these values with the fnServerParams function I would be able to modify my SQL selection.

My problem is that how I can put two controls into my code which could put values into fnServerParams and update the table when they changed.

I hope I defined my problem clear enough.



  • MPeter1975MPeter1975 Posts: 31Questions: 0Answers: 0
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