Row Reordering plugin with Drag'n'Drop capabilities is released
Row Reordering plugin with Drag'n'Drop capabilities is released

Dear friends,
I'm happy to announce that I have crated another add-on for the DataTables plugin - row reordering. This add-on enables you to reorder rows in the DataTable using Drag'n'Drop. Plugin is placed on . You can find documentation on the wiki pages and live examples on .
I have tested it in various cases and it works fine for me. I hope that you will find it useful too.
Best Regards,
I'm happy to announce that I have crated another add-on for the DataTables plugin - row reordering. This add-on enables you to reorder rows in the DataTable using Drag'n'Drop. Plugin is placed on . You can find documentation on the wiki pages and live examples on .
I have tested it in various cases and it works fine for me. I hope that you will find it useful too.
Best Regards,
This discussion has been closed.
Another great plug-in! Thanks for sharing it with us!
In terms of implementation, this disabled the sorting on the table - I completely see the need for that since that would override your custom ordering. I wonder if it would be worth disabling sorting (bSortable) on all columns with the exception of your master sorting column (which presumably could be hidden if someone didn't want the index column to be visible).
Really nice - I'm sure this will prove to be very useful!
Thanks, I'm glad that you like it. I have tried to allow sorting of index column but I had some inconsistencies in determining a new row position in asc/desc cases.
I have assumed that this column will either be sorted in ascending order or even hidden, therefore this version put it in the fixed columns and disable any sorting. If anyone need descending sorting I will resolve this in the future version.
I´m student and i´m coding a project, your plugins, dataTables and rowReordering make much of the work, thanks a lot !!, but i want order by column like normal feature of dataTables.
I want help to fix this, can you explain me where is the main problem/inconsistencies ?
Thanks for any help.
I think your plugin is plain awesome - I'd just like to request some expansion on the setup docs when you have time.
great plugin!
Some comments:
- The values get somehow crazy when they are not correlative, i.e. 1, 3, 6, 7. It'd be great to know the expected outcome - since this algorithm has to be replicated in server-side to keep order too.
- It would also be great to be able to user-define the sorting function.
If forward:
UPDATE `table_name` SET `order_field` = (`order_field` + 1) WHERE `order_field` > '{$from}' AND `order_field` <= '{$to}';
If back:
UPDATE `table_name` SET `order_field` = (`order_field` - 1) WHERE `order_field` < '{$to}' AND `order_field` > '{$from}';
and the row we move:
UPDATE `table_name` SET `order_field` = '{$to}' WHERE `id` = '{$id}';
Ignore the syntax, I use a db class in codeigniter and looks different, but I want to know the idea, where am I mistaking. It updates the row (the one we move) and it either sets the previous or next ones with the same value or even 0 in the `order_field`. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I just want to say that this is a great plugin that has saved my days of my life recreating this functionality. Thank you!
On the other hand the documentation on this plugin is terrible. I'm sorry but it really is lacking. This puts up a barrier for less experienced programmers as they cant figure out how to debug their issues. Please start a Wiki or something to build on the docs for this great plugin.
The real reason I'm posting is to answer someones question about disabling the drag and drop on certain rows. In my situation I have a datatable with detail rows (click a button and details about that row open up under it). The default setting for row sorting made this new row sortable too which was not what I wanted.
So to fix this I use the following JQuery to disable all sorting (on ALL rows) when I click the button to view details:
$("tbody", "table#" + self.formIdentifier).sortable("disable");
Then when I click on the close button for the details I re enable the sorting for the datatable:
$("tbody", "table#" + self.formIdentifier).sortable("enable");
And self.formIdentifier = 'form_id';
Good luck all!
the correct way you would do this in codeigniter is
If forward:
UPDATE table_name SET order_field = (`order_field` + 1) WHERE order_field >= '{$to}' AND order_field < '{$from}';
If back:
UPDATE table_name SET order_field = (`order_field` - 1) WHERE order_field > '{$from}' AND order_field <= '{$to}';
always after forward and back:
UPDATE table_name SET order_field = '{$to}' WHERE id = '{$id}';
the bare bones sql would be
update table_name
set order_field= order_field+1
where order_field>= 1 --to
and order_field< 3 --from;
update table_name
set order_field= order_field-1
where order_field> 3 --from
and order_field<= 4 --to;
@racheld i couldnt agree with you more about how terrible the documentation is, and how the source code trunk/download does not contain the most important piece needed for server-side implementations UpdateRowORder.php
The author did also do this in .NET, but i couldnt figure out the source
Also, this link looks promising for coldfusion developers
I am writing my back end in coldfusion coldbox, if anyone needs sample just ask be glad to share
Could you help me?
here is my table structure
After doing lots of experiments I have succeeded creating file for drag-drop feature. Hope this will help you.
$id = $_REQUEST['id'];
$fromPosition = $_REQUEST['fromPosition'];
$toPosition = $_REQUEST['toPosition'];
$direction = $_REQUEST['direction'];
if($direction === "back") {
$aPosition = $toPosition+1;
$sql = "
UPDATE my_table
SET ord = 0
WHERE ord = $toPosition;
$sql = "
UPDATE my_table
SET ord = $toPosition
WHERE id = $id;
$sql = "
UPDATE my_table
SET ord = ord + 1
WHERE ($toPosition <= ord AND ord <= $fromPosition) and id != $id and ord != 0";
$sql = "
UPDATE my_table
SET ord = $aPosition
WHERE ord = 0;
$sql = "";
} // backward direction
if($direction === "forward") {
$aPosition = $toPosition-1;
$sql = "
UPDATE my_table
SET ord = 0
WHERE ord = $toPosition;
$sql = "
UPDATE my_table
SET ord = $toPosition
WHERE id = $id;
$sql = "
UPDATE my_table
SET ord = ord - 1
WHERE ($fromPosition <= ord AND ord <= $toPosition) and id != $id and ord != 0";
$sql = "
UPDATE my_table
SET ord = $aPosition
WHERE ord = 0;
$sql = "";
} // Forward Direction
$sql = "UPDATE my_table SET ord = 0 WHERE ord = $toPosition;";
$sql = "UPDATE my_table SET ord = $toPosition WHERE id = $id;";
$sql = "UPDATE my_table SET ord = ord + 1 WHERE ($toPosition <= ord AND ord <= $fromPosition) and id != $id and ord != 0";
$sql = "UPDATE my_table SET ord = $aPosition WHERE ord = 0;";
} // backward direction
$aPosition = $toPosition-1;
$sql = "UPDATE my_table SET ord = 0 WHERE ord = $toPosition;";
$sql = "UPDATE my_table SET ord = $toPosition WHERE id = $id; ";
$sql = "UPDATE my_table SET ord = ord - 1 WHERE ($fromPosition <= ord AND ord <= $toPosition) and id != $id and ord != 0";
$sql = "UPDATE my_table SET ord = $aPosition WHERE ord = 0;";
} // Forward Direction
Row reordering functionality, any helpful for adding new rows with specific index?
suneelpandya, that's very smart however it is not 100% correct
Got it! Pasting now!
$id = $_REQUEST['id'];
$fromPosition = $_REQUEST['fromPosition'][0];
$toPosition = $_REQUEST['toPosition'];
$direction = $_REQUEST['direction'];
if($direction === "back") {
$q1=mysql_query("SELECT id_produto,ordem FROM produtos WHERE id_produto=$toPosition");
} // backward direction
if($direction === "forward") {
$q1=mysql_query("SELECT id_produto,ordem FROM produtos WHERE id_produto=$toPosition");
} // Forward Direction
Now, for some reason, the fromPosition parameter is an array, and in this case, unnecessary - i've worked around it.
But then, toPosition parameter isn't the position or <tr> index - the real spot where you want to drag your selected item. It is the id attribute of the target, or the <tr> tag that has to move away from your draggable object.
Last, forget the portuguese words, translate 'ordem' to 'order' and $contador to $counter or something and you will be just fine.
Has anyone come up with a solution for sorting on column headers as well as drag & drop?
Would be really nice if someone could help me with this!
pserpa, I updated your CODE for my use!
Because if I have 3 houses in number, their method only returns me the first (only return '1' in '100')
suneelpandya I optimize your CODE:
Nice work Jovan, great plugin.
I 'm trying to implement it on my project, using server side code which is made by panik. My question is, which parameters need to pass from client side if I use above panik's code.
Thanks for help.