Sort order difference between initial and later sorting
Sort order difference between initial and later sorting
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The table has a few columns. The first column is hidden. It is initialised using:
"bAutoWidth": false,
"aoColumns": [
{ "bSearchable": false, "bVisible": false, "mDataProp": "foo" },
{ "mDataProp": "bar" },
{ "mDataProp": "foobar" }
"oLanguage": {
"sEmptyTable": "No records.",
"sInfo": "Showing records _START_-_END_ of _TOTAL_.",
"sInfoEmpty": "",
"sInfoFiltered": "",
"sZeroRecords": "No records to display: nothing matches the filter.",
"sPaginationType": "full_numbers",
"sLengthMenu": "Show _MENU_ records per table.",
"sSearch": "Search:"
and at any time populated using:
this.Table.fnSort([[1, "asc"]]);
There's a difference in sort order when the code that populates and sorts the table is run initially and later. Initially, it seems that the table is sorted on the second column (first visible), and then on the first column, which is not visible, like so:
a | A | a
a | B | z
b | B | b
c | B | a
a | C | a
When the table is later sorted, the sort order is second column (first visible), and then third column. This is what I wanted it in the first place and how the array passed into "fnAddData" is actually sorted.
a | A | a
c | B | a
b | B | b
a | B | z
a | C | a
"bAutoWidth": false,
"aoColumns": [
{ "bSearchable": false, "bVisible": false, "mDataProp": "foo" },
{ "mDataProp": "bar" },
{ "mDataProp": "foobar" }
"oLanguage": {
"sEmptyTable": "No records.",
"sInfo": "Showing records _START_-_END_ of _TOTAL_.",
"sInfoEmpty": "",
"sInfoFiltered": "",
"sZeroRecords": "No records to display: nothing matches the filter.",
"sPaginationType": "full_numbers",
"sLengthMenu": "Show _MENU_ records per table.",
"sSearch": "Search:"
and at any time populated using:
this.Table.fnSort([[1, "asc"]]);
There's a difference in sort order when the code that populates and sorts the table is run initially and later. Initially, it seems that the table is sorted on the second column (first visible), and then on the first column, which is not visible, like so:
a | A | a
a | B | z
b | B | b
c | B | a
a | C | a
When the table is later sorted, the sort order is second column (first visible), and then third column. This is what I wanted it in the first place and how the array passed into "fnAddData" is actually sorted.
a | A | a
c | B | a
b | B | b
a | B | z
a | C | a
This discussion has been closed.
To help you fix the bug, I should point out that when the table is initialised, there are actually no rows in the tbody element. So, the table was indeed being initialised with the default values for sorting, but the first time it ever displayed any rows was by using the fnClearTable-fnAddData-fnSort chain I posted above. So what puzzles me is why it should even matter what the default sorting order is in a situation like this.