Filter broken when using Bootstrap pagination plugin (EDIT: RESOLVED)

Filter broken when using Bootstrap pagination plugin (EDIT: RESOLVED)

garrettgarrett Posts: 2Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited April 2012 in Bug reports
EDIT: Just updated to the pagination script provided with the Bootstrap 2.0 blog post and problem was solved

Works fine, except filtering:

search "templat" #=> several records with the word 'template'
search "template" #=> no records found

If I then delete and re-add 'e', some results show up, but not all.

Using 1.9.0
Bootstrap pagination
TableTools plugin installed, but not active on this table.

I appreciate any guidance!

EDIT: I've determined it is only happening in the first column. I have no special settings for any of the columns, so not sure why this would be the case.
This discussion has been closed.