DataTables and mvc

DataTables and mvc

bogusbogus Posts: 16Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited December 2009 in General
Hello guys, this plugin seems to be very nice, i used jqgrid with mvc and i would like to check out DataTables plugin but i do not find a place to start. Is there a tutorial about this? especially of how server-side code should look like. Thanks!


  • allanallan Posts: 63,208Questions: 1Answers: 10,415 Site admin
    Hi bogus,

    I'm not that "up" with ASP.NET myself, so I'm not sure I can help other than to point you towards a few resources:

    Basic initialisation of a table (client-side) - nice to start simple:

    Basici initialisation using server-side processing with PHP:

    Using DataTables with ASP.NET (written by naspinski on this forum):

    There are also a number of questions about ASP.NET on this forum, so it might be worth having a search through it for 'ASP'.

  • bogusbogus Posts: 16Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Thanks for the reply Allan, i think that all i need is right here
    I will let you know how things are going and if it is the wrong way i will disturb you again:)
  • allanallan Posts: 63,208Questions: 1Answers: 10,415 Site admin
    Hi bogus,

    Nice one - thanks for the link. I was sure that thread was around, but I totally couldn't find it when replying to your thread...

  • bogusbogus Posts: 16Questions: 0Answers: 0
    edited December 2009 i am again:) i created a server-side method just like the one from the thread i referenced above
    public JsonResult GetData(
    /* paging */ int iDisplayStart, int iDisplayLength,
    /* filtering */ string sSearch, bool bEscapeRegex,
    /* not used */ int iColumns,
    /* sorting */ int iSortingCols, int iSortCol_0, string iSortDir_0,
    int sEcho)

    and my client-side code is this:
    $(function() {
    "bProcessing": true,
    "bServerSide": true,
    "sAjaxSource": "../Home/GetData"


    I am using FireBug and when i get to this "sAjaxSource": "../Home/GetData", it sends me to the DataTable.js where i get an error..[code]line 4645 for ( i=0, iLen=bUseCols ? oInit.aoColumns.length : nThs.length ; i
  • allanallan Posts: 63,208Questions: 1Answers: 10,415 Site admin
    Hi bogus,

    In the above code you don't have any columns defined - but DataTables requires to know how many columns you are going to be using at initialisation time (since there is currently no support for adding and removing columns on-the-fly). So you either need to define the columns using tags, or using aoColumns.

  • bogusbogus Posts: 16Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Ok...i added the columns parameter and i got rid of that error..My cliend side looks like this :
    $(function() {
    "bProcessing": true,
    "bServerSide": true,
    "aoColumns": [
    { "sTitle": "Id" },
    { "sTitle": "Name" },
    { "sTitle": "Level" },
    { "sTitle": "Race" }],


    Right now i can see the following:
    -the dropdown for number or rows to be displayed
    -the search textbox
    -the table head
    -the two navigation arrows
    -the "processing.." div

    But my server-side method doesn't fire
  • bogusbogus Posts: 16Questions: 0Answers: 0
    How do i know which is the correct order for defining the columns?
    That was really funny...i was posting in the same time with you:)
  • allanallan Posts: 63,208Questions: 1Answers: 10,415 Site admin
    Hi bogus,

    Very odd indeed that the Ajax call doesn't occur there. I don't see anything wrong with your initialisation code, so I'm surprised that it isn't shooting of a Ajax call. Are you sure it isn't, but perhaps just dodgy Ajax coming back? Firebug might give some insight into what is going on.

    Regarding this question:
    > How do i know which is the correct order for defining the columns?

    Not 100% sure what you mean. The order you give DataTables is the order that it will appear on the screen. However, if you want to know the order on the server-side, you can use sName. You will be able to see in this example - - that sName can be used by DataTables to have arbitrary column positions returned by the server-side, re-ordered by DataTables.

  • bogusbogus Posts: 16Questions: 0Answers: 0
    edited December 2009
    I am examining the XHR and i am dealing with a 404 Not Found.
    The reguest is this:
    The parameters list is the following:
    bEscapeRegex true
    bEscapeRegex_0 true
    bEscapeRegex_1 true
    bEscapeRegex_2 true
    bEscapeRegex_3 true
    iColumns 4
    iDisplayLength 10
    iDisplayStart 0
    iSortCol_0 0
    iSortDir_0 asc
    iSortingCols 1
    sEcho 1
    Allan, do you see anything suspicious if you take a look at these parameters?
  • bogusbogus Posts: 16Questions: 0Answers: 0
    edited December 2009
    Oh my god, so stupid i am,the controller name is "Home" not "Hero" .
    I get into the server-side method..the json seems ok, but i get the alert Warning - added data does not match known number of columns.

    This is how the json looks like

    {"sEcho":1,"iTotalRecords":6,"iTotalDisplayRecords":6,"aaData":[{"HeroId":1,"Name":"Warden","Level":10,"Race":"Night elf"},{"HeroId":2,"Name":"Blademaster","Level":6,"Race":"Orc"},{"HeroId":3,"Name":"Demon Hunter","Level":9,"Race":"Night elf"},{"HeroId":4,"Name":"Death Knight","Level":8,"Race":"Undead"},{"HeroId":5,"Name":"Lich","Level":6,"Race":"Undead"},{"HeroId":6,"Name":"Montain King","Level":5,"Race":"Human"}]}

    and this is the columns definition

    "aoColumns": [
    { "sTitle": "HeroId" },
    { "sTitle": "Name" },
    { "sTitle": "Level" },
    { "sTitle": "Race" }],
  • bogusbogus Posts: 16Questions: 0Answers: 0
    edited December 2009
    If i create the data source in the client-side it works just fine. So This works:
    $(function() {
    "aaData": [
    [1, "Warden", 10, "Night elf"],
    [2, "Blademaster", 6, "Orc"],
    [3, "Death knight", 5, "Undead"]
    "aoColumns": [
    { "sTitle": "HeroId" },
    { "sTitle": "Name" },
    { "sTitle": "Level" },
    { "sTitle": "Race" }],

    But with this json coming from the server-side it doesn't

    "aaData":[{"HeroId":1,"Name":"Warden","Level":10,"Race":"Night elf"},
    {"HeroId":3,"Name":"Demon Hunter","Level":9,"Race":"Night elf"},
    {"HeroId":4,"Name":"Death Knight","Level":8,"Race":"Undead"},
    {"HeroId":6,"Name":"Montain King","Level":5,"Race":"Human"}]}

    I can hardly wait to get this done so i can post there the whole solution to be a full example for mvc
  • bogusbogus Posts: 16Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Ok problem solved:)
    Thanks a lot Allan..i will post the code in the thread you created
  • andyk1andyk1 Posts: 2Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Hey Bogus - could you provide a link to where the code was posted. would love tos ee the full code.

  • laurellaurel Posts: 3Questions: 0Answers: 0
    edited December 2009

    I got the same issue and fixed it just few minutes ago!
    So exciting! It took me a hole night!

    I download the js file form which is a beta vesion. Suddenly i notice this i replace it with the newest one ,and it works!


    public virtual JsonResult DataTables(int iDisplayStart,
    int iDisplayLength,
    string sSearch,
    bool bEscapeRegex,
    int iColumns,
    int iSortingCols,
    int iSortCol_0,
    string iSortDir_0,
    int sEcho)

    string orderString = string.Empty;

    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    string[] searchField = {"Message"};
    string[] sortField = {"ID","Date"};

    foreach(string s in searchField)
    sb.AppendFormat("p.{0} like '%{1}%' or",s,sSearch);
    orderString = sb.ToString();
    int index = orderString.LastIndexOf('o');

    string eSQL = string.Format("SELECT VALUE p FROM {0} AS p {1} order by p.{2} {3} SKIP({4}) LIMIT({5})",
    List logs = _ctx.CreateQuery(eSQL).ToList();
    int iTotalDisplayRecords = logs.Count;
    int iTotalRecords = _BLL.Count();

    var json =
    sEcho = sEcho,
    iTotalRecords = iTotalRecords,
    iTotalDisplayRecords = iTotalDisplayRecords,

    aaData = (from q in logs
    select new
    q.Id.ToString(), q.Logger, q.Level, q.Date.ToString(), q.Message

    return Json(json, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);




    {"sEcho":1,"iTotalRecords":696,"iTotalDisplayRecords":10,"aaData":[["4","System222","INFO","2009/11/10 12:23:04","Log system success created !"],["6","System","INFO","2009/11/10 12:24:06","Log system success created !"],["7","System22","2009/12/12 17:48:18","2009/11/10 12:40:24","Log system success created !"],["8","System","INFO","2009/11/10 12:40:26","Log system success created !"],["10","System","INFO","2009/11/10 12:42:25","Log system success created !"],["11","System","INFO","2009/11/10 12:48:41","Log system success created !"],["12","System","INFO","2009/11/10 12:48:44","Log system success created !"],["13","System","INFO","2009/11/10 12:48:45","Log system success created !"],["14","System","INFO","2009/11/10 12:50:00","Log system success created !"],["15","System","INFO","2009/11/10 12:50:02","Log system success created !"]]}


    Hope it is helpful!

    Sorry for my pool english :)
  • laurellaurel Posts: 3Questions: 0Answers: 0
    My Problem is "columns do not match". Now the table can be paged and be sorted but not searchable....
  • bogusbogus Posts: 16Questions: 0Answers: 0
    I am not the guy that writes the most clean code but i figured it like this
    public ActionResult GetData(GridParams gridParams)
    var query = from x in ctx.HeroSet
    select x;
    int total = query.Count();

    //search whatever property you like
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(gridParams.sSearch))
    query = from x in query
    where x.Name.Contains(gridParams.sSearch)
    select x;

    if (gridParams.iSortingCols > 0)
    query = query.OrderBy(GridsUtils.cols[gridParams.iSortCol_0], (gridParams.iSortDir_0 == "asc"));

    int totaldisp = query.Count();
    if (gridParams.iDisplayLength > 0)
    query = query.Skip(gridParams.iDisplayStart).Take(gridParams.iDisplayLength);

    return Json(new { sEcho = gridParams.sEcho, iTotalRecords = total, iTotalDisplayRecords = totaldisp, aaData = query.GetStrings(GridsUtils.GetString) });
    GridParams class
    public class GridParams
    public int iDisplayStart { get; set; }
    public int iDisplayLength { get; set; }
    public string sSearch { get; set; }
    public bool bEscapeRegex { get; set; }
    public int iColumns { get; set; }
    public int iSortingCols { get; set; }
    public int iSortCol_0 { get; set; }
    public string iSortDir_0 { get; set; }
    public int sEcho { get; set; }
    public bool bSortable_0 { get; set; }
    public bool bSearchable_0 { get; set; }
    Order method
    public static class QuerableExtensions
    public static IQueryable OrderBy(this IQueryable source, string propertyName, bool asc)
    var type = typeof(T);
    string methodName = asc ? "OrderBy" : "OrderByDescending";
    var property = type.GetProperty(propertyName);
    var parameter = Expression.Parameter(type, "p");
    var propertyAccess = Expression.MakeMemberAccess(parameter, property);
    var orderByExp = Expression.Lambda(propertyAccess, parameter);
    MethodCallExpression resultExp = Expression.Call(typeof(Queryable), methodName, new Type[] { type, property.PropertyType }, source.Expression, Expression.Quote(orderByExp));
    return source.Provider.CreateQuery(resultExp);
    Some helpers for creating a string[][] to send to the client side
    public static class GridsUtils
    public static readonly Dictionary cols = new Dictionary { { 0, "Id" }, { 1, "Name" }, { 2, "Level" }, { 3, "Race" },{4,"IsImba"} };

    public static string[] GetString(Hero h)
    return new string[] { h.Id.ToString(), h.Name, h.Level.ToString(), h.Race,h.IsImba.ToString() };

    public delegate string[] GetStringDelegate(T obj);

    public static string[][] GetStrings(this IQueryable source, GetStringDelegate del)
    string[][] retArray = new string[source.Count()][];
    int i = 0;
    foreach (var s in source)
    retArray.SetValue(del(s), i);
    return retArray;
    If you have a cleaner option of code please make it public :)
  • rbacarinrbacarin Posts: 1Questions: 0Answers: 0
    edited April 2010
    Hey, I've seen ugly codes here to get a Json, use this instead to return a json from a webservice:
    return new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(
    iTotalRecords = YOURENTITY.Count,
    iTotalDisplayRecords = iDisplayLength,
    aaData = YOURENTITY.Select(s => new string[] { s.StockCode, s.Data, s.Recommendations, s.InstitutionID, s.SectorID, s.MCI })

    and in js use this to post only the variables that you'll use

    "fnServerData": function ( sSource, aoData, fnCallback) {
    var Data= { sEcho: aoData[0].value,
    iDisplayStart: aoData[3].value,
    iDisplayLength: aoData[4].value,
    iSortCol_0: aoData[26].value,
    sSortDir_0: aoData[27].value,
    sSearch: aoData[5].value};
    $.ajax( {
    type: "POST",
    contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
    dataType: "json",
    url: sSource,
    data: JSON.stringify(Data),//from json.js plugin
    success: function(data) { return fnCallback( eval("(" + data.d + ")") ) },
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