How to pass data manually to datatables
How to pass data manually to datatables
I am trying datatables. I successfully tried on ajax call. But now I am looking for loading my data grid, using datatables of course, on page load.
I need to pass arguments to my processing page via querystring. Page does the operation and then a template file shows the datagrid. This all was being done in smarty using manual foreach and other loops. Now I want to convert it all to datatables.
But how that initial data is going be passed to datatables? Therefore I need to pass initial data to datatables, but how? Please help
I wish to do something like this
//get params from $_GET
$dbRet = someDbOps($someGetParams); //db processing
on grid.tpl
var data = '<?php echo $dbRet?>'; //now i got data here
"bProcessing" : true,
"bServerSide" : true,
"sAjaxSource" : "changeLog.php",
"bPaginate" : true,
"aoColumns" : [ "Topic", "Details", "Date" ],
"aaSorting" : [[1,"desc"]]
}); // how to pass $dbRet to this handler????
I need to pass arguments to my processing page via querystring. Page does the operation and then a template file shows the datagrid. This all was being done in smarty using manual foreach and other loops. Now I want to convert it all to datatables.
But how that initial data is going be passed to datatables? Therefore I need to pass initial data to datatables, but how? Please help
I wish to do something like this
//get params from $_GET
$dbRet = someDbOps($someGetParams); //db processing
on grid.tpl
var data = '<?php echo $dbRet?>'; //now i got data here
"bProcessing" : true,
"bServerSide" : true,
"sAjaxSource" : "changeLog.php",
"bPaginate" : true,
"aoColumns" : [ "Topic", "Details", "Date" ],
"aaSorting" : [[1,"desc"]]
}); // how to pass $dbRet to this handler????
This discussion has been closed.
So in your should use php to render the initial table with contents...
So the output of your php code becomes for example
more data
For reference this is a function that will clear up what I am trying to do
var tn = '{$tableName}';
//========= getting data here=========//
var from = $('#from') .val();
var to = $('#to').val();
var event = $('#event').val();
var search = $('#search').val();
//========= some validation =========//
if(from == '' || to == ''){
errorBox('Please specify date range','w');
return false;
if(search == ''){
errorBox('Please specify site name to search','w');
return false;
//========== ajax call params and call to ajax handler ============//
var params = "ajax=1&from="+from+"&to="+to+"&evt="+event+"&tn="+tn+"&s="+search;
callAjax(params, 'tableChangeLog.php', 'GET', function(result){ //custom ajax wrapper
if(result.error == 0){
//call DataTables
var data = result.aaData;
$('#one-column-emphasis').dataTable({ // DataTables handler
"aaData" : data,
"bDestroy" : true,
"iTotalRecords" : result.iTotalRecords,
"iTotalDisplayRecords" : result.iTotalDisplayRecords,
"bSorting" : true,
"bPaginate" : true,
"aoColumns" : [ { "mDataProp":"ph_prod_pub_site_country_mapping_change_log_id" },
{ "mDataProp":"prod_pub_site_country_mapping_self_id" },
{ "mDataProp":"prod_pub_site_master_id" },
{ "mDataProp":"country_code" },
{ "mDataProp":"country_code" },
{ "mDataProp":"user_id" },
{ "mDataProp":"user_type" },
{ "mDataProp":"creation_date" },
{ "mDataProp":"change_log_date" },
{ "mDataProp":"event_type" }]
if(result.msg != undefined && result.msg != ''){
errorBox('Error while fetching the data. Please try again.','e');
Please....please...somebody help. I am stuck since last 2 days :(