I am using serverside processing and some custom vars. The url includes mDataProp query string parameters for all of my columns (around 15) and they appear before the custom vars. Is there a way to turn off mDataProp appearing in my query string?
One option would be to use fnServerParams and remove the mDataProp options - but what do you want to do that? Can't you just ignore them on the server if you don't want them?
Thanks Allan. I am ignoring for the moment. The problem is I pass around some more and the query string is getting complex and ugly. But anyway I can live with that.
It looks ugly and pointless when mDataProp is a function so the query string lists mDataProp_*=function for each column. Personally, I don't see the need to have the mDataProp sent to the server anyway (could be an option even) but if it is sent, surely it would be more useful to send mDataProp(null, 'name') instead of "function"?
Yes - when mDataProp is a function, then it should only send 'function'. This is actually the case in 1.9.1 - which version are you using?
*edit* Sorry - I see that it is sending 'function' for you. So what you are advocating is adding another type to what mDataProp should be handling and using the result from the function as the value? Why wouldn't you just use sName ? Part of the problem is that there is a degree of overlap between sName and mDataProp in that they can both (generally) be used to uniquely identify a column (not true when mDataProp is used as a function). I plan to make more and better use of sName in future versions of DataTables.
Many Thanks
*edit* Sorry - I see that it is sending 'function' for you. So what you are advocating is adding another type to what mDataProp should be handling and using the result from the function as the value? Why wouldn't you just use sName ? Part of the problem is that there is a degree of overlap between sName and mDataProp in that they can both (generally) be used to uniquely identify a column (not true when mDataProp is used as a function). I plan to make more and better use of sName in future versions of DataTables.
I am also using server side processing, but my case is little bit different, I want to send mDataProp as part of reply from the server.