Sorting on decimal not working with ajax

Sorting on decimal not working with ajax

yabdabyabdab Posts: 4Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited April 2012 in General
I have a table that is loaded via ajax and I cannot get a numeric type field to sort properly.

I have the sType set to "numeric" and all the values are formatted like so xxx.xx ( i.e. 123.99 )

It sorts like this however...

9.71 , 876.88, 843.00, 7.34, 655.99, etc....

What could I be missing??

{ "sName": "oid", "bVisible":false},
{ "sClass": "center icon",'sName': 'shipped'},
{ "sType": "date", "sClass":"date", 'sName': 'date'},
{ "sClass":"invoice", 'sName': 'invoice' },
{ "sClass":"name", 'sName': 'name' },
{ "sClass":"email", 'sName': 'email' },
{ "sClass":"pay-type",'sName': 'paytype' },
{ "sType": "numeric", "sClass":"grandtotal", "sName": "grandtotal"},
{ "sName":"view", "sClass": "center"}


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