Search not working on rendered values

Search not working on rendered values

CoriAnnCoriAnn Posts: 6Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited April 2012 in General

I am setting the bUseRendered to true (which should be the default anyway) but am not able to search on the rendered value shown in the table, only on the original value.

"aoColumns": [
{ sName: 'id', "bVisible": true},
{ sName: 'time', sTitle: $.i18n._("time"), "bVisible": true, "bUseRendered": true},


"fnRowCallback": function( nRow, aData, iDisplayIndex ) {

// Date Time
var prettyDateStr = getDateString(aData[4]); // give it 1334326433000 and get back 12.31 at 7:00:00 pm

the pretty string renders as 12.31 at 7:00:00 pm as I wish, but if the user types 12.31 into the search, they get no results. if they type 1334, they get that row. I want to let the user type 12.31 and get the 12.31 that they see in the table. we are using client side, not server side data tables.

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