Switching bServerSide to true / false based on number of json records returned

Switching bServerSide to true / false based on number of json records returned

dataclouddatacloud Posts: 1Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited April 2012 in General
I am new to using DataTables and am very happy with how easy it has been to implement.


My ajax data call can return between 1 and 10,000 records. When I have over 1,000 records I would like to make sure bserverside is set to true so the heavy lifting can be done by my database and coldfusion code. When the record set is small (less than 1,000 records) I would like to pass the entire record set to the client for client side processing (bserverside: false).

is there a way from the ajax response to tell the client that the complete data set is being sent and to overide bserverside to false. This would allow all sorting and paging to be completed for this result set.

I hope my question makes sense...
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