Pagination with MSSQL backend example code
Pagination with MSSQL backend example code

The query that the code in builds will always select the top $iDisplayLength records, never offset by $iDisplayStart. Meaning if you click on page 2, you get page 1's records.
I was able to get it to work by changing this line:
$sQuery = "SELECT * FROM ( SELECT " . $sLimit . " * FROM ( SELECT " . $sLimit2 . " " . implode(',',$aColumns) . " FROM $sTable $sWhere $sOrder )as x)as y";
To this:
$sQuery = "SELECT * FROM ( SELECT " . $sLimit . " * FROM ( SELECT " . $sLimit2 . " ROW_NUMBER() OVER(" . $sOrder . ") AS Row," . implode(',',$aColumns) . " FROM $sTable $sWhere $sOrder ) AS x ORDER BY Row DESC) AS y ORDER BY Row ASC";
This works for me in MS SQL 2005. My understanding is that SQL 2000 does not have ROW_NUMBER() so a different approach will be needed there. You may also want to change Row to something less likely to collide with field names found in the wild.
I was able to get it to work by changing this line:
$sQuery = "SELECT * FROM ( SELECT " . $sLimit . " * FROM ( SELECT " . $sLimit2 . " " . implode(',',$aColumns) . " FROM $sTable $sWhere $sOrder )as x)as y";
To this:
$sQuery = "SELECT * FROM ( SELECT " . $sLimit . " * FROM ( SELECT " . $sLimit2 . " ROW_NUMBER() OVER(" . $sOrder . ") AS Row," . implode(',',$aColumns) . " FROM $sTable $sWhere $sOrder ) AS x ORDER BY Row DESC) AS y ORDER BY Row ASC";
This works for me in MS SQL 2005. My understanding is that SQL 2000 does not have ROW_NUMBER() so a different approach will be needed there. You may also want to change Row to something less likely to collide with field names found in the wild.
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