fnOpen - how to access "the source aaData" instead of fnGetData(nTr) which delivers "rendered" data?
fnOpen - how to access "the source aaData" instead of fnGetData(nTr) which delivers "rendered" data?
based on the "DataTables hidden row details example" at http://datatables.net/release-datatables/examples/api/row_details.html
I have added a hidden table with all cards listed to the DataTables with game scores at my webpages like this one:
http://preferans.de/user.php?id=OK29066873223 and the users like it, but I have one problem:
aoColumns: [
/* 10: name */ { fnRender: renderName0 },
/* 11: avatar */ { bVisible: false },
/* 12: city */ { fnRender: renderCity0 },
$('#cards_table tbody td img.details').live('click', function(){
var nTr = $(this).parents('tr')[0];
if (cardsTable.fnIsOpen(nTr)) {
this.src = '/images/details_open.png';
} else {
this.src = '/images/details_close.png';
cardsTable.fnOpen(nTr, renderGame(cardsTable, nTr), 'details');
function renderGame(cardsTable, nTr) {
var aData = cardsTable.fnGetData(nTr);
var cards = aData[1];
var trix = cards['TRIX'];
var winner = cards['WINNER'];
var id = [ aData[9], aData[19], aData[29] ];
var pos = [ '(' + (1 + aData[5]) + ') ',
'(' + (1 + aData[15]) + ') ',
'(' + (1 + aData[25]) + ') ' ];
var player = [ '
' + pos[0] + aData[10],
pos[1] + aData[20] + '
pos[2] + aData[30] + '
' ];
var run = '';
if ($.isArray(trix) && $.isArray(winner)) {
for (var i = 0; i < trix.length && i < winner.length; i++) {
run += (i + 1) + ': ' + renderCards(trix[i], '') +
' » ' + (1 + winner[i]) + '
var str = '' + ........ etc.
return str;
In my renderGame function drawing the "hidden row" I need to acces the player "name" which is aoColumns[10].
But it is already changed (color changed and link added) by the renderName0 (please see above).
Is there please a way to access the "pure data" (from aaData) instead of the "rendered tr" from fnOpen method?
I.e. I need something else as replacement for the [code]var aData = cardsTable.fnGetData(nTr);[/code] above.
The debug code is at http://debug.datatables.net/onurun
Thank you for any hints
based on the "DataTables hidden row details example" at http://datatables.net/release-datatables/examples/api/row_details.html
I have added a hidden table with all cards listed to the DataTables with game scores at my webpages like this one:
http://preferans.de/user.php?id=OK29066873223 and the users like it, but I have one problem:
aoColumns: [
/* 10: name */ { fnRender: renderName0 },
/* 11: avatar */ { bVisible: false },
/* 12: city */ { fnRender: renderCity0 },
$('#cards_table tbody td img.details').live('click', function(){
var nTr = $(this).parents('tr')[0];
if (cardsTable.fnIsOpen(nTr)) {
this.src = '/images/details_open.png';
} else {
this.src = '/images/details_close.png';
cardsTable.fnOpen(nTr, renderGame(cardsTable, nTr), 'details');
function renderGame(cardsTable, nTr) {
var aData = cardsTable.fnGetData(nTr);
var cards = aData[1];
var trix = cards['TRIX'];
var winner = cards['WINNER'];
var id = [ aData[9], aData[19], aData[29] ];
var pos = [ '(' + (1 + aData[5]) + ') ',
'(' + (1 + aData[15]) + ') ',
'(' + (1 + aData[25]) + ') ' ];
var player = [ '
' + pos[0] + aData[10],
pos[1] + aData[20] + '
pos[2] + aData[30] + '
' ];
var run = '';
if ($.isArray(trix) && $.isArray(winner)) {
for (var i = 0; i < trix.length && i < winner.length; i++) {
run += (i + 1) + ': ' + renderCards(trix[i], '') +
' » ' + (1 + winner[i]) + '
var str = '' + ........ etc.
return str;
In my renderGame function drawing the "hidden row" I need to acces the player "name" which is aoColumns[10].
But it is already changed (color changed and link added) by the renderName0 (please see above).
Is there please a way to access the "pure data" (from aaData) instead of the "rendered tr" from fnOpen method?
I.e. I need something else as replacement for the [code]var aData = cardsTable.fnGetData(nTr);[/code] above.
The debug code is at http://debug.datatables.net/onurun
Thank you for any hints
This discussion has been closed.
Setting that parameter might be good enough for you, but you might also want to consider using mDataProp as a function, as described in this blog post: http://datatables.net/blog/Orthogonal_data . This method allows different data to be used for each aspect of how the data is used by DataTables.