Buttons in Semantic UI doesn't work

Buttons in Semantic UI doesn't work

pekokFCpekokFC Posts: 21Questions: 3Answers: 0

i'm using Semantic as my themes. But i can't call the buttons method. Is there anything i miss ?

Here are my js load sequence :

"scripts": [

Thank you
Best Regards,


  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,141Questions: 26Answers: 4,918

    But i can't call the buttons method

    Do you get any alerts or errors in your browser's console?

    Do the buttons appear on the page?

    What is your Datatables and buttons initialization code?


  • pekokFCpekokFC Posts: 21Questions: 3Answers: 0

    The buttons does not appear in the page & i have no errors on my console.

    Here are my import script :

    import {Component, OnInit, AfterViewInit} from '@angular/core';
    import * as $ from 'jquery';
    import 'datatables.net';
    import 'datatables.net-buttons';
    import 'datatables.net-buttons-se';

    And init code :

    ngAfterViewInit() {
      // TODO: make buttons extension work
      private initDatatable(): void {
        const tableId: any = $('#' + this.id);
        this.tableWidget = tableId.DataTable({
          lengthChange: false,
          buttons: [ 'copy', 'excel', 'pdf', 'colvis' ]
        this.tableWidget.buttons().containers().appendTo($('div.eight.column:eq(0)', this.tableWidget.table().container()));

    Best Regards,

  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,141Questions: 26Answers: 4,918

    Looks like you are using angular, which I'm not familiar with. However to load the excel and pdf buttons you also need to include these JS files:


    This example will show the files needed:


  • pekokFCpekokFC Posts: 21Questions: 3Answers: 0

    Hi Kevin,

    Already add the library :

    "scripts": [

    but, the buttons still doesn't appear.
    could you tell me what following code does ?

        this.tableWidget.buttons().containers().appendTo($('div.eight.column:eq(0)', this.tableWidget.table().container()));

    i don't think the append work...

    Thanks a lot,
    Best Regards,

  • pekokFCpekokFC Posts: 21Questions: 3Answers: 0

    I also got this error when i use colvis :

    ERROR Error: Unknown button type: colvis
        at viewWrappedDebugError (core.es5.js:8422)
        at callWithDebugContext (core.es5.js:13477)
        at Object.debugCheckAndUpdateView [as checkAndUpdateView] (core.es5.js:13007)
        at ViewRef_.detectChanges (core.es5.js:10174)
        at core.es5.js:4812
        at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
        at ApplicationRef_.tick (core.es5.js:4812)
        at core.es5.js:4684
        at ZoneDelegate.invoke (zone.js:392)

    Best Regards,

  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,141Questions: 26Answers: 4,918

    could you tell me what following code does ?

    Here are the docs for that code:


  • pekokFCpekokFC Posts: 21Questions: 3Answers: 0

    hmm... still unable to display the export button even after i use the direct insertion on custom div / class. I got no error on console. Whilst still get the same error when i use colvis in my buttons arrays. *sigh...

    ERROR Error: Unknown button type: colvis
        at viewWrappedDebugError (core.es5.js:8422)
        at callWithDebugContext (core.es5.js:13477)
        at Object.debugCheckAndUpdateView [as checkAndUpdateView] (core.es5.js:13007)
        at ViewRef_.detectChanges (core.es5.js:10174)
        at core.es5.js:4812
        at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
        at ApplicationRef_.tick (core.es5.js:4812)
        at core.es5.js:4684
        at ZoneDelegate.invoke (zone.js:392)
    Best Regards,

    Any workaround for this case ?
    Would be very helpful if this case solved.

    Thank you,
    Best Regards,

  • allanallan Posts: 63,160Questions: 1Answers: 10,406 Site admin
    edited November 2017

    Unknown button type: colvis

    You've specified colvis in the list of buttons to show, but not included the buttons.colvis.js file.




    Actually, I missed that part. However, that error still suggests that file isn't being included in some way. If you have a link to the page I can check it.

  • pekokFCpekokFC Posts: 21Questions: 3Answers: 0

    Okay, i'll get back to you asap. I'm having another issue with the deployment. Once it, deployed in staging. I'll share the link.

    Best Regards,

  • pekokFCpekokFC Posts: 21Questions: 3Answers: 0

    Hi Alan,
    sorry i can't give u the link yet. I'm still waiting for my supervisor to configure the staging environment. Here is the capture on my local env.

    Could you point out on what i'm missing ?

    import :

    import * as $ from 'jquery';
    import 'datatables.net';
    import 'datatables.net-se';
    import 'datatables.net-buttons';
    import 'datatables.net-buttons-se';

    init code :

    private initDatatable(): void {
        const tableId: any = $('#' + this.id);
        this.tableWidget = tableId.DataTable({
          // lengthChange: false,
          buttons: [ 'copy', 'excel', 'pdf' ]
        // this.tableWidget.buttons().containers().appendTo($('div.eight.column:eq(0)', this.tableWidget.table().container()));

    Best Regards,

  • allanallan Posts: 63,160Questions: 1Answers: 10,406 Site admin

    I don't see the colvis button being included there, but it is in your scripts array above. I'm not sure if your build environment will result in it being included or not?

    What to do, is in your browser's console type:


    And that will show what button types are available. For example, on this page Chrome shows me:


  • pekokFCpekokFC Posts: 21Questions: 3Answers: 0

    Hi alan,
    here are my console output :

    and this is when i add colvis in my buttons array :

    Hope to hear from you soon,
    Thanks ~

  • allanallan Posts: 63,160Questions: 1Answers: 10,406 Site admin

    Can you run that line of code immediately after the error has occurred please? I'm wondering if DataTables might be getting loaded twice.

    If you can publish it to a site, that would be really useful as its very hard to debug it without being able to interact with it.


  • pekokFCpekokFC Posts: 21Questions: 3Answers: 0


  • pekokFCpekokFC Posts: 21Questions: 3Answers: 0

    Sure, dude
    here it is : https://goo.gl/kiKj6Z


  • pekokFCpekokFC Posts: 21Questions: 3Answers: 0

    Hei guys, have you got my reply yesterday ?
    i attached my link, but it said the post was pending due need for approval.

  • allanallan Posts: 63,160Questions: 1Answers: 10,406 Site admin

    Hi - sorry, it got flagged as spam for whatever reason. I've approved it now and its above.

    Thanks for the link - it takes me to a dashboard page which doesn't appear to have a DataTable on it. If I try the URL in your screenshot (/report/pekok) in, I get a 404 from the server, and I don't see anything in the links that would be the page in question. Can you tell me where I can see the page with the issue please?


  • pekokFCpekokFC Posts: 21Questions: 3Answers: 0

    Thanks Alan, sorry for late response.
    Open the url without any route. It will render all the component first, then you can go to Basic Report -> take the first on the list or any. They all use datatables.

    Best Regards,

  • allanallan Posts: 63,160Questions: 1Answers: 10,406 Site admin

    This is what I get if I load one of the Basic Reports:

    I don't actually see any buttons or any errors.


  • pekokFCpekokFC Posts: 21Questions: 3Answers: 0

    Yeah , that's the thing mate...
    i already include the init button script as in the documentation.

    Best Regards,

  • allanallan Posts: 63,160Questions: 1Answers: 10,406 Site admin

    Oh I see - the issue is that the buttons aren't showing up there?

    You have this line of code:


    which gets the Buttons container, but it doesn't do anything with it. So the buttons are never added to the document - hence why they can't be seen.

    You need to use appendTo or similar to add them into the document where you want them.


  • pekokFCpekokFC Posts: 21Questions: 3Answers: 0
    edited November 2017

    I changed it to following code :

    private initDatatable(): void {
        const tableId: any = $('#' + this.id);
        this.tableWidget = tableId.DataTable({
          // lengthChange: false,
          buttons: [ 'copy', 'excel', 'pdf' ],
          scrollX: true
        // this.tableWidget.buttons().containers().appendTo($('div.eight.column:eq(0)', this.tableWidget.table().container()));
        this.tableWidget.buttons().containers().appendTo($('div.eight.column:eq(0)', this.tableWidget.table().container()));
        // this.tableWidget.buttons().containers('#button-export-dtt');

    as in the docs https://datatables.net/extensions/buttons/examples/styling/semanticui.html
    But still nothing changed.

  • allanallan Posts: 63,160Questions: 1Answers: 10,406 Site admin

    Could you update your deployed application with that code please? That looks like it should work as far as I can see.


  • pekokFCpekokFC Posts: 21Questions: 3Answers: 0

    Hi Allan,
    i just deployed my app to the staging environment. You can check it again if you want. But still, the buttons doesn't show.


  • allanallan Posts: 63,160Questions: 1Answers: 10,406 Site admin

    That sort of helped in that the buttons container is now being put into the page, but there is no buttons inside it.

    This screenshot shows what is now the issue:

    Basically, although the buttons are available on the global $ they aren't in the _dtButtons variable. That's weird as var _dtButtons = DataTable.ext.buttons;.

    That suggests that perhaps DataTables is being loaded twice, or perhaps into different contexts. There is certainly some kind of scoping issue happening there.

    I don't have enough knowledge of your system and build configuration to be able to say much more than that though.


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