Column search (Select inputs) in header not for every column?
Column search (Select inputs) in header not for every column?

Hi everyone,
I just wanted to ask if ist possible to put the select fields not for every column. In the example from DataTables, there is the table columns.each function but I just Need the select Input for 4 Columns..
Can you guys help me out?
Cheeres, Mert
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You can use the
to choose the desired columns. Maybe use a class or an array of columns.Kevin
Ok I used this but it didn't work.. I made an extra row in my thead to put the select fields into my Header and gave the rows which I want to search by options the classname "head".
Instead of this:
Try this:
The var
contains an API instance which you are trying to pass tocolumns()
in the second line. I don't think this is supported.Kevin
Tried it, doesn't work. When I'm loading the website my DataTable doesn't load..
Look at the browser's console for errors.
So I made a test case here
and the console shows some Errors..
I'm also trying to make the select Inputs without the 2nd row in my thead. Do you know if ist possible like this?
Thanks for the test case. You had two issues. You didn't have the word
in this line:this.api().columns('.head').every( function () {
This was causing the error message.
The column class needs to be placed in the top header row since you have
orderCellsTop: true,
. This is the header row Datatables uses for its functions.Here is the updated working example with the above changes:
Ok now my select boxex appear! Thank you! But now I have the problem, that the selects are under my thead, means I see the two headers und under them are my select Inputs.. Don't know why
And also when I want to search via select, the select-box disappears after I click on a value..
Ok, found out, that when I'm removing scrollX:true and ScrollY:"100%", that it works propperly. but I need the scrolling