How to filter on Date Range, when you have multiple tables.

How to filter on Date Range, when you have multiple tables.

GlenLewisGlenLewis Posts: 7Questions: 5Answers: 0

The example is not a good way to filter. As the example will bind to all datatables on the page.

I have added a search above the columns and there can be multiple tables on a page. How can I bind the column filter to only the datatable search and not add it to the which effects all tables.

I have created a method that adds the column filters

using the fnInitiComplete:
fnInitComplete: function () {
this.api().columns().every(function () {

The addSearchRow just builds a new html element based on the search type the column needs. That is where I bind the input text to the"^" + value, true, false, true).draw();

But the value there isn't designed for anything other than a regex string match.



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