How to disable a button until at least 1 row has been selected in table
How to disable a button until at least 1 row has been selected in table
Posts: 5Questions: 3Answers: 0
I apologize if this has been asked before and I missed it in my search. I would like to disable my "Transfer Selected Airports" button until at least 1 record has been selected in the table using the select-checkbox in targets: 0. Any help your direction would be greatly appreciated.
$(document).ready(function () {
var cols = [{ data: null, title: "Select", defaultContent: '' },
{ data: "continentName", title: "Continent" },
{ data: "countryName", title: "Country" },
{ data: "regionName", title: "Region Name" },
{ data: "airport", title: "ICAO" },
{ data: "nbrAircraft", title: "# JetNet AC" },
{ data: "airportName", title: "Airport" }
var table = $('#transferAirports').DataTable({
"pageLength": 15,
"columns": cols,
deferRender: true,
dom: '<"top"Q>rt<"bottom"Bip>',
language: {
searchBuilder: {
add: 'Add Search Conditions',
title: {
0: 'Custom Search Builder:',
_: 'Active Filter Rules (%d):',
buttons: [
className: "btn btn-outline-primary",
text: "Transfer Selected Airports",
action: function (e, dt, node, config) {
var addAirports = table.rows({ selected: true }).data().toArray();
addAirports = JSON.stringify(addAirports);
type: "post",
url: window.location.href + "&handler=Transfer",
data: addAirports,
dataType: "json",
headers: { "RequestVerificationToken": $('input[name="__RequestVerificationToken"]').val() },
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
complete: function () {
window.location.href = "/"
columnDefs: [
defaultContent: '',
targets: 0,
data: null,
defaultContent: '',
orderable: false,
className: 'select-checkbox select-enabled'
targets: 1,
width: 200
select: {
style: 'multi',
selector: '.select-enabled',
info: true
order: [[1, 'asc']]
$(document).ready(function () {
var DT1 = $('#transferAirports').DataTable();
$(".selectAll").on("click", function (e) {
if ($(this).is(":checked")) {
DT1.rows({ search: "applied" },).select();
} else {
DT1.rows( { search: "applied" },).deselect();
This discussion has been closed.
Update. I found a solution that seems to work. I would appreciate any feedback if I missed something.
set initial button state to enabled: false
and then
That will work or you can use the
or to enable with just one selected row withselectedSingle
. These are from the Select extension. Other options can be found here.Kevin
Here's an example demonstrating Kevin's suggested (I missed his reply and knocked it out before I noticed it!).
Here's the code of interest: