Multi filter + Colvis error when new column is visible
Multi filter + Colvis error when new column is visible

Hi all.
We are using Clovis from a while (I know it's legacy)
Now we add the multi filter column search ( ) and paginate data to save performance.
The first render works ok, but if I put visible a new column, the new thead is not an input, it's a label instead.
I built this example with the current Colvis:
Starting with a hidden column, using the code you linked to, works. Unhide the Position column and you will see the search input.
Presumably you are doing something different since your search inputs are in the header. You might need to make sure to populate the second header before initializing Datatables otherwise the hidden columns might not be found with the code you aer using.
Please provide a simple test case replicating the issue you are seeing so we can help debug.
Maybe this FixedHeader integration example will do what you want.