Help figuring out how to flash a row updated via ajax
Help figuring out how to flash a row updated via ajax

Link to test case:
I do not know how to set up a test cast to function with ajax, the above just has the default data loaded via plain html.
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Description of problem:
I am trying to figure out how I can flash rows in my table that are updated. The above example technically accomplishes that I suppose, but what actually happens is every time the ajax reload happens the entire table flashes. What I want to happen is for a row to flash only if any of the data in the row is different than it was before the ajax reload. I am very green on frontend programming so if anything I've done is stupid or could be done better, related to my question or not, I am happy to get constructive criticism
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This technote provides links to ajax and server side processing JS BIN templates. I took the Ajax Arrays template and pasted the URL into your test case.
It looks like you are referring to the code in
:This will run only when the row is added to the DOM which occurs at initialization and after the
.For the test case to run I also removed the
and change thetable
ID tostatus_table
Also changed the setTimeout timer to 6000 to reduce wait time.
Is there any way to know if the row data is different from the data at the server? For example a flag that is set or a timestamp? If not maybe iterate over the data in the server script to set a flag. If this info can be sent in the ajax response then the
function can be updated to check this field to decide whether to flash or not.Otherwise a copy of the fetched data set will need to be kept outside of Datatables so it can be compared to in
. Here is one option:
It uses the
event to build an object containing the table data before theajax.reload()
request is sent. It builds an object for easier comparison. The object key is a unique data element from each row. This is stored in the global variablepreviousData
event is simply for testing to manipulate theajax.reload()
JSON data so that Airi Satou's position is changed each reload.The
API is used to initiate these events after the Datables has initially loaded the original data set.createdRow
has been updated to compare the new data topreviousData
.There are lots of ways this could be done. Just depends on your environment and amount of data to determine the best most efficient way.
I wanted to add that, in general, its much easier to work with objects than arrays in Javascript. See the data docs for details. Instead of accessing the first column using
for example you would use the key of the object. This example uses objects and you would access the name
. Its helpful in that ifdata[0]
at some point you will need to change your code. With objects the order doesn't matter.Kevin
You guys respond so thoroughly and quickly, incredibly impressive!
I don't think your example links are working for me, both of them that you posted just take me back to the original example I included in my post. Regarding knowing if the data has changed at the server side, I don't know how I would implement that considering that there could be hundreds of users with this page open. I suppose the ajax call would need to send back to the server all of the data it currently has and the server would diff that against what is in the database, then respond with the updated values flagged somehow? That seems inefficient but perhaps (likely) there are ways to improve that exchange I am just unaware of.
I am interested in the solution you described regarding storing the fetched data to compare in the createdRow function, but I don't know why your links aren't working for me.
Oops it did not save a new link. Luckily I was able to find it in the browser history.
I wouldn't send the data back to the server either. I was thinking if your data had a timestamp each time it was changed then that could be used to know what has changed. On first load you would keep the latest timestamp then check it in
and keep track of the latest timestamp.Kevin
Thanks for the example, I've had some time to look through it and I believe I understand what's going on. One question I do have is why you don't have to use the
as mentioned here believe that is a simple solution to my problem, I will give it a try and report back!
Also I took your advice and moved to using object instead of array for my data. Is there an object-based way to access my columns now to replace the below or is the only way using the index?
I'm using
which has the Datatable API so the.dt
namespace is not needed but you can use it if you. Use the.dt
namespace in cases where the event handler is created before Datatables initialization like the example in the docs:I didn't want the
executing with the initial ajax request.$("td:eq(5)", row)
is a jQuery selector which don't wrk with Javascript objects. Using a class name might be a good option. Usecolumns.className
to define the class. Add this to yourcolumns
config with
definition. Here is an example usingcolumnDefs
I changed the index to the Office column. Relevant code:
doesn't that still make fragile code? I would hope to be able to do something like
to avoid issues if columns get reordered like you mentioned originally here.
You could do that but the class
will need to be defined in the HTML table, like this:
However if you define the class in the HTML table you might just want to use that, for example:
$("", row).addClass("status-up");
.Since you changed to using objects I assume you are using
to define
. I did suggest it would be better to define thecolumns.className
definition. So if you rearrange the column order in your Datatable config then both will move at the same time. Like this:
Your last example made it clear, somehow I read past that explanation in the earlier post. Thank you for all the help, I think I'm good now!
We all miss something when reading posts from others
Glad its clear now.