Reduce the width of the control column for narrow column tables

Reduce the width of the control column for narrow column tables

rpmccormickrpmccormick Posts: 136Questions: 18Answers: 0

Does anyone know how to reduce the width of the control column?

If the empty blue part was gone the green would be almost half size.
I tried a few css tricks with width and margin, but no luck yet.


  • rpmccormickrpmccormick Posts: 136Questions: 18Answers: 0

    Actually, I probably need to upgrade everything. It's been a while, and I see all your demos now have a triangle instead of the green + / red -
    Someday soon I should get to that.

  • allanallan Posts: 64,090Questions: 1Answers: 10,569 Site admin

    If you could link to the page I might be able to say what is happening - it looks like you might have a - in the content? Can you remove that (if there is one there) and it will then collapse down like in the examples.


  • rpmccormickrpmccormick Posts: 136Questions: 18Answers: 0

    I think the old (+) style just has extra width.

    I initialize all tables with code like this (no extra - character):

      $dtControlColumn= '{className: \'control\', defaultContent: \'\', orderable: false}';
      //RoomStay for Pages - Includes Booking Name Logo and Party Name / Count
      function initRoomStaysTable(tblName='RoomStays')
          order: [[3, 'desc'],
                  [2, 'asc' ]
       ordering: true,
        columns: [<?php echo $dtControlColumn;
                  printColumnRender('RoomStay_Room'  );
                  printColumnRender('RoomStay_Guest' );
                  printColumnRender('RoomStay_Action'       , false);
                  printColumnRender('RoomStay_RoomDetails'  , false);
                  printColumnRender('RoomStay_BookDetails'  , false);
                  printColumnRender('RoomStay_ChargeDetails', false);
                  printColumnRender('RoomStay_StayDetails'  , false);
                  printColumnRender('RoomStay_RateDetails'  , false);
                  printColumnRender('RoomStay_GuestDetails' , false);
                  printColumnRender('RoomStay_DBDetails'    , false);
      //--- PHP HTML Generators --------------------------------------------------\\
      function genColumnRender($renderName, $orderable=true)
       {$col = ', {className: \'dt-center\', render: renderDT_'.$renderName;
        if ($orderable==false) {$col.= ', orderable: false';}
        return $col.'}';
      function printColumnRender($renderName, $orderable=true)
       {echo ', {className: \'dt-center\', render: renderDT_'.$renderName;
        if ($orderable==false) {echo ', orderable: false';}
        echo   '}';
      //--- END PHP HTML Generators ----------------------------------------------//
  • malbanmalban Posts: 3Questions: 0Answers: 0

    You can use width in columns:

    var table = $('#yourtable').DataTable( {. . . "select": { style: 'os', selector: 'td:not(:first-child)'}, "columns": [ { className: 'details-control', orderable: false, data: null, defaultContent: '', width: '5%' }, //... "columnDefs": [ {"targets": 0,"className": "text-center", "searchable": false,"width": "1%" },
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