Server-side Filtering

Server-side Filtering

kombatkombat Posts: 15Questions: 5Answers: 0

Hi. My situation is on a couple columns I am using mRender to display Yes and No in place of Y and N. I'm running into a problem of when you type in 'yes' as the filter the rows aren't properly filtered because the actual data is 'Y'. If the user sees 'Yes' on the screen they will naturally want to type in Yes. I thought perhaps using the type argument of mRender would help with this but I'm not having any luck. As mentioned in the title I am doing server-side processing. Any help or pointing in the right direction would be appreciated. Thanks.

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  • mRendermRender Posts: 151Questions: 26Answers: 13

    I think you want to use mData then, since mRender will change the data to Yes and No

  • allanallan Posts: 62,211Questions: 1Answers: 10,206 Site admin
    Answer ✓

    As mentioned in the title I am doing server-side processing.

    The filtering is done on the server-side in that case, so what you do with the client-side mRender (or mData ) functions has no effect on the data. You need to modify how the filtering is done at the server-side if you are using server-side processing.


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