Various differences between Chrome and IE8 with search boxes

Various differences between Chrome and IE8 with search boxes

ma_robergema_roberge Posts: 29Questions: 9Answers: 0

I have implemented "Individual column searching (text inputs)" throughout my Sorabji Resource Site and have noted that IE8 prints the search boxes on each page, whereas Chrome does it, as expected, only at the very bottom of the entire table.

Furthermore (and a very minor problem, I should say), whereas Chrome displays an "X" in the right corner of the search box at the top of the table (and does not in those at the bottom generated by "Individual column searching"), IE8 displays nothing. Pressing Escape, in both cases, deletes the current search string.

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  • allanallan Posts: 62,157Questions: 1Answers: 10,192 Site admin
    Answer ✓

    This is correct and intended. The DataTables input search box is <input type="search"/> which is not supported by IE8, so it falls back to type="text".

    MSDN doesn't actually make clear which version it was supported in, but it is certainly IE10+.


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