Date issue with multi row edits

Date issue with multi row edits

jtoler5jtoler5 Posts: 89Questions: 33Answers: 3

I just noticed a slight issue with Editor and editing multiple rows. I do have the date fields default value set to 'todays' date.

  • When the rows selected have different dates it will change the date of all the rows to 'todays' date. I would think it work work the way to other fields do and show the "Multiple Values" button, so the user has the option to change the date for all of them.

  • This also happens if you select multiple rows and the rows have the same date, it looks like the 'default' option sets the rows to 'today'.

I don't think this should be happening?

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  • jtoler5jtoler5 Posts: 89Questions: 33Answers: 3
    edited November 2015

    Pretty sure this is an error in my code now.

  • allanallan Posts: 62,211Questions: 1Answers: 10,206 Site admin
    Answer ✓

    I don't think that should be happening either, and it doesn't appear to in this example (unless I'm misunderstood and haven't tried to reproduce it correctly - if that example does show the issue, could you give the steps to reproduce it).


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