Custom message in sInfo using Scroller
Custom message in sInfo using Scroller

I am trying to put a custom message in sInfo as below: <span class="lvllbl"></span>
"sInfo": 'There are a total of TOTAL <span class="lvllbl"></span>(s).',
But the Scroller doesn't seem to put the message. If we remove the Scroller it would work just fine and the message is displayed.
I am using Datatable 1.9.4 and Scroller 1.1.0. But this even doesn't work on the latest version.
Here is the code:
$(document).ready(function() {
var lvllbl;
var table = $('#hierlvl2list').dataTable( {
"sDom": '<"H"Tf<"clear">><"top"i>t<"F">rS',
"bJQueryUI": true,
"bServerSide": true,
"sScrollX": "100%",
"sScrollY": "400px",
"bScrollCollapse": true,
"bAutoWidth": false,
"bProcessing": true,
"bDeferRender": true,
"sAjaxSource": "${pageContext.request.contextPath}/admin/hierarchy/hier_lvl2_list.html?action=listlvlitems&orgid=${param.orgid}",
"fnServerData": function ( sSource, aoData, fnCallback, oSettings ) {
oSettings.jqXHR = $.ajax( {
"url": sSource,
"data": aoData,
"type": "POST",
"dataType": 'json',
"success": function(data) {
var hasError = fnCheckError(data);
if(!hasError) {
lvllbl = data.lvllbl;
"aoColumns": [
{ "sTitle":"Level Title", "mData": "lvlTitle", "sClass": 'col_header' }
"oLanguage": {
"sInfo": 'There are a total of _TOTAL_ <span class="lvllbl"></span>(s).',
"sInfoEmpty": 'There are a total of _TOTAL_ <span class="lvllbl"></span>(s).',
"sEmptyTable": 'There are no <span class="lvllbl"></span>(s) to display',
"sZeroRecords": 'There are no matching <span class="lvllbl"></span>(s) to display',
"sProcessing": 'Please wait - loading <span class="lvllbl"></span> (s) ...'
"fnDrawCallback": function(oSettings) {
if(lvllbl) {
"fnHeaderCallback": function( nHead, aData, iStart, iEnd, aiDisplay ) {
nHead.getElementsByTagName('th')[0].innerHTML = '<div class="DataTables_sort_wrapper">'+lvllbl+'<span class="DataTables_sort_icon css_right ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-n"></span></div>';
This discussion has been closed.
I put a console in
and also in
"_fnInfo": function ()
It seems that fnDrawCallBack is called ahead of the function in scroller and hence I am not getting the value of lvllbl appended in sInfo.
It seems that Scroller do not fire fnInfoCallBack function.
I removed
and addedfnInfoCallBack
function to pass custom info header but the Scroller did not take that instead it took the default message:Showing 1 to 10 of 10 entries
my fnInfoCallBack function is below:
Interestingly if I remove the Scroller [By removing 'S' from
] the dataTable displays the info message fromfnInfoCallback
:There are a total of 10 Region(s).
Hence this is very well evident that Scroller doesn't fire the fnInfoCallback. Is it an issue or bug or just that Scroller doesn't support it??
I commented out lines 908 to 913 in
function in dataTables.scroller.js 1.2.1 and then it takes the custom message fromfnInfoCallback
functionTherefore fnInfoCallback surely is fired but it seems Scroller is overriding it. I did few more traces and seems that below order is followed:
function in dataTables.scroller.jsIsn't this a bug in Scroller? I would think that at least
should be the last function to be called.I can comment out the code in dataTables.scroller.js but I am not sure of its side effects and therefore I do not want it to be done in this way.
I just want my custom message with dynamic text to be printed on Info bar.
I think these lines[893 - 925] in dataTables.scroller.js is redundant. I removed these and I can see the text in
. Please let me know if my finding is correct.Hi,
Yes - this looks very much like a bug in Scroller. There should also be support for
added (although that is probably less useful in Scroller.Thanks for flagging this up - I'll take a look and try to fix for the release I want to do on Monday.
Thanks Allan. I very much appreciate it.
Hi Allan,
I found one more trouble with language elements. My datatable uses scroller - I am still using the example started in this thread. This time the problem is when I put the language elements in text file it just removes all the buttons rendered by Table tools [New, Edit and several other buttons just vanishes but the language strings are correctly displayed.
and below is the content of text file
I am still doubtful that this behaviour could have caused by Scroller.
I tried after removing Scroller by removing the 'S' from sDom but it still failed to show my TableTool buttons. Therefore is it caused by TableTool?.
I then tried removing the "oLanguage" and all my buttons appeared and this time it shows datatable default languange strings.
Please note I am using datatables 1.9.4
Hi Allan, if this is not related should I create a separate thread for this issue?
A separate thread for each issue would be good so I can track each individually. For Scroller and TableTools did your
option include bothS
? Can you link to a test case in the new tread please.I should also point out that 1.9 is no longer supported. If there are any fixes to be made in DataTables they will be in 1.10.
Fix committed. The correct way of updating the info string is with the
option (fnInfoCallback
in 1.9-). The draw callback won't work, as a scroll does not necessarily trigger a draw.I'm just about to tag and release an updated version of Scroller. This fix will be included in it.
Thanks Allan for the fix. Should I take the fix from the Nightly build v1.2.2-dev?
Regarding the second issue I have started a discussion:
I think this is not related to Scroller, if I don't include both S and T, it still not rendered. Thiis happens only when we use table tool api.
1.2.2 has been released now, so you can take it from there.
I've just added a reply to your other thread.