Async Processes and Datatables

Async Processes and Datatables

JMacJMac Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0


I have been using this plug-in for a while now. Great plug-in btw.

One of the projects I am using this for is to take data from a flat file, drag that onto the screen and convert it over to JSON data and then feed that data into DataTables with JEditable to allow the end user to update some data before submitting to the database.

Everything works great except that I have some processing that happens in the fnCreatedRow callback and I would like to have a status of what record it is on so that the end user has an idea of how much longer its going to take. Processing could take anywhere from instant to maybe 30 seconds tops.

I noticed that the browser is locked when the fnCreatedRow is executing so I cannot update an overlay div until execution is finished.

Here is a JSFiddle to give you an idea of what I am trying to do:

Everything on the page is async: true so I am not forcing the browser to load synchronously anywhere.

Is there a way to make a loading message update after every row that is processed in the fnCreatedRow callback? I am not sure its even possible but thought I would throw the question out there and see if anyone had to tackle something like this before.

Thanks for any help.


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