Selecting ColVis Groups by name
Selecting ColVis Groups by name
To start i'm still new to DataTables and not the most advanced programmer but i'm trying to select columns by name(or label).
So i tried the following,
colVis: {
exclude: [],
groups: [
title: "talen",
columns: [ { name: "naamNL" } ]
My whole code looks like this:
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" class="init">
var editor; // use a global for the submit and return data rendering in the examples
$(document).ready(function() {
editor = new $.fn.dataTable.Editor( {
ajax: "",
table: "#Tartikelen1",
fields: [ {
label: "Art.Nummer",
name: "nummer"
}, {
label: "Naam NL",
name: "naamNL"
}, {
label: "Naam DE",
name: "naamDE"
}, {
label: "Naam EN",
name: "naamEN"
}, {
label: "Naam FR",
name: "naamFR"
}, {
label: "Naam SE",
name: "naamSE"
}, {
label: "Omschrijving",
name: "omschrijving"
}, {
label: "Voorraad",
name: "voorraad"
}, {
label: "Min.Voorraad",
name: "minimum_voorraad"
}, {
label: "Gereserveerd",
name: "gereserveerd"
}, {
label: "Besteld",
name: "besteld"
}, {
label: "Inkoopprijs",
name: "inkoop_prijs"
}, {
label: "Verkoopprijs",
name: "verkoop_prijs",
}, {
label: "Art.Groep",
name: "art_groep",
}, {
label: "BTW",
name: "btw",
}, {
label: "Gewicht",
name: "gewicht",
}, {
label: "Hoogte",
name: "hoogte",
}, {
label: "Lengte",
name: "lengte",
}, {
label: "Breedte",
name: "breedte",
} );
$('#Tartikelen1').DataTable( {
stateSave: false,
"autoWidth": false,
"scrollY": 400,
dom: 'TCRlfrtip',
colVis: {
exclude: [],
groups: [
title: "talen",
columns: [ { "name": "naamNL" } ]
ajax: "",
columns: [
{ data: 'nummer' },
{ data: 'naamNL' },
{ data: 'naamDE' },
{ data: 'naamEN' },
{ data: 'naamFR' },
{ data: 'naamSE' },
{ data: 'omschrijving' },
{ data: 'voorraad' },
{ data: 'minimum_voorraad' },
{ data: 'gereserveerd' },
{ data: 'besteld' },
{ data: 'inkoop_prijs' },
{ data: 'verkoop_prijs' },
{ data: 'art_groep' },
{ data: 'btw' },
{ data: 'gewicht' },
{ data: 'hoogte' },
{ data: 'lengte' },
{ data: 'breedte' }
tableTools: {
sRowSelect: "os",
aButtons: [
{ sExtends: "editor_create", editor: editor },
{ sExtends: "editor_edit", editor: editor },
{ sExtends: "editor_remove", editor: editor }
} );
} );
Everything is tested and works without the name part, also selecting columns on their order( 1, 2 ,3 etc) works just fine. I have no idea what im doing wrong here
i searched the forums and tried workign with the following;
my project can be seen here:
Thanks in advance!
There is no option to do that in ColVis. The columns array should be integers.
I'm working on a replacement for ColVis that will be available in the next few weeks that will allow easier column selection.