implementing row expand using master detail data

implementing row expand using master detail data

vikceovikceo Posts: 7Questions: 2Answers: 0

i was looking to implement

my master REST get returns data on and results data like:

AppVersion: "v1.1"
EnterpriseId: null
FeedbackId: 410
FeedbackType: "Error"
ObjectVersionNumber: 1
Os: "iOS"
OsVersion: "8.4"
OscVersion: ""
ReportedBy: "sales_representative"
ReportedDate: "2015-11-18T01:03:16-08:00"
ServerUrl: "my url"
Platform: "iPad Simulator"
Model: "iPad Simulator x86_64"
links: [1]
0:  {
rel: "child"
href: ""
name: "MudFeedbackDetailsVO"
kind: "collection"

the child link returned by response shows data on firing REST

CriticalPath: "Tue Nov 17 16:05:22 PST 2015::::start of activate()#~#Tue Nov 17 16:05:23 PST 2015::::End of activate()#~#Tue Nov 17 16:07:45 PST 2015::::start of checkOut()#~#"
FeedbackDetailId: 411
FeedbackId: 410
MappingCode: null
Message: null

I want render things from the chid VO when some one click on master row. Going through doc I got no clue on how to get it working. the example assumes that child data returns with the parent in the single call.

any advise please.

my current code is:

$(document).ready(function() {
    var dt =$('#feedback-data-table').DataTable( {
        ajax: {
            url: "",
            dataSrc: "items"
        columns: [
            { title: "App Version", data: "AppVersion" },
            { title: "Feedback Type", data: "FeedbackType" },
            { title: "OS", data: "Os" },
            { title: "OS Version", data: "OsVersion" },
             { title: "Platform", data: "Platform" },
             { title: "Model", data: "Model" },
            { title: "User", data: "ReportedBy" },
            { title: "Date", data: "ReportedDate"},
            { title: "Server Url", data: "ServerUrl" }
    } );


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