Responsive: Click event on text input in details row is being blocked
Responsive: Click event on text input in details row is being blocked

I am using Responsive to show additional columns in the child/details row. My child/details row contains text inputs. Click events on text inputs inside the details row are not being propagated correctly, blocking focus from being given to the input.
The problem appears to be the e.preventDefault() on line 561 of dataTables.responsive.js:
$( dt.table().body() )
.on( 'mousedown.dtr', selector, function (e) {
// For mouse users, prevent the focus ring from showing
} )
See here for example demonstrating problem:
This person seemed to have had a similar problem:
Can anyone think of an easy work around for this?
- updated title to include Responsive
This blocking of the mousedown event is also preventing simple things like trying to highlight text in the child row.
DataTables v1.10.10
DataTables-Responsive 2.0
Firefox 41.0.2